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Let me toss in my .02 here. Me thinks you'll be out of luck but it's certainly worth a try as I don't think anything will roll smoke. The reasoning is this. First, the 5035 has the 2688 card in it that is the host end of the fiber loop. That is, it SUPPORTS the down stream towers rather than being one. Second there is more than just an HSL loop between that guy and the 820 CEC, it also has a second large cable directly between the 820 and the 5035. (I've just forgotton it's name at the moment-too much CUDS-2 last night-JTAG maybe?) The 5035 does have SPCN so it likely will power up and might even get a number in the front panel. Third, a model 500 was all SPD so I'm not sure how it would react to having down stream PCI stuff. As to the model 400 that thing doesn't have any SPCN ports (that I remember) and certainly no fiber loops. You'd need to use gen-u-ine Frankie Disk cages to get more dasd in that one.

But hey, it's worth a try!! Let us all know!

- DrFranken
(aka Larry Bolhuis)

Justin C. Haase wrote:

When you say "remove the HSL loop" do you mean just not use it?  It would be
ok to leave the ports on the back of the machine still though, right?

Wanting to try frankenseriesing this thing up to a 720 - I don't see any
reason why it WOULDN'T work, because just because you have HSL available
shouldn't mean you have to use it.

Logic would lead me to believe that - logic has been wrong before.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bipes [mailto:chris.bipes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 12:05 PM
To: 'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'
Subject: RE: Today's Hardware Trivia

I believe you can remove the HSL loop and use the fiber loop with the 5xx - 7xx series but the 8xx uses the HSL loop. Would be fun to try. I am looking at upgrading my 820 to a 810 enterprise, it would require me to disconnect the 5035 migration tower, full of dasd and cards too. I wonder if I can hook it my to my play 400, (model 400 that is)? Frankenseries twin is in the planning.

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin C. Haase [mailto:JHaase@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 9:20 AM
To: 'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'
Subject: Today's Hardware Trivia

If a person has a 5035 migration tower chock-full of DASD and adapter cards,
and it has the fiber connection and the HSL-1 connection (since it's a
migration tower) - is it possible to hook it up to a machine using only the
fiber chain and having the system recognize it simply as another sidecar?

I guess the big question is - must you use the HSL loop for the cage to run,
or can you hook it up just like any ol' sidecar?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.  I understand it may not be
"supported," but for my curiosity - will it work?

Justin C. Haase

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