× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Any Updates On Query access path in Synon are most welcome .

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-request@midrange.com
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 12:05 PM
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: MIDRANGE-L digest, Vol 1 #2833 - 14 msgs

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of MIDRANGE-L digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. RE: AS/400 Locking up (Gary Monnier)
   2. RE: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ? (jpcarr@tredegar.com)
   3. Total Cost of Ownership (Anne Lucas)
   4. Re: AS/400 Locking up (Tom Liotta)
   5. RE: Green screen browser? (Tom Liotta)
   6. Re: AS/400 Locking up (gcrane@johansonmfg.com)
   7. RE: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ? (James Rich)
   8. Re: AS/400 Locking up (Neil Palmer)
   9. Adding memory -- model 170 (Tom Liotta)
  10. Re: Adding memory -- model 170 (Neil Palmer)
  11. Re: Adding memory -- model 170 (Kirk Goins)
  12. Re: Command line (was: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?) (Neil Palmer)
  13. Problem with time fields in QUERY (ouuch@t-online.de)
  14. RE: Command line (was: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?) (John Earl)


Message: 1
From: "Gary Monnier" <gary.monnier@powertechgroup.com>
To: <midrange-l@midrange.com>
Subject: RE: AS/400 Locking up
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 16:42:50 -0800
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com


In an earlier post you mentioned you have NetworkSecurity installed at your
site.  Run command WRKJRNA for the journal you have defined in
NetworkSecurity's system values.  Note the "Manage receivers" value.  If it
isn't *SYSTEM then it is possible you journal receiver is full.

Run the following command to generate a new journal receiver and to have the
system manage attaching/detatching them from now on.


You can also contact the PowerTech Group and have someone assist you with
this if you'd feel more comfortable.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com
[mailto:midrange-l-admin@midrange.com]On Behalf Of Joe Lewis
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 3:24 PM
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: AS/400 Locking up

Some more detail

1.) "Twinax stopped working" - I use a twinax terminal for the system
console, and when the "lock up" happens, the screen goes blank with the
cursor in the upper left hand corner.

2.) A system job taking a lot of CPU - I have noted that while the DASD
units are on, but I do not hear any noise like the heads moving etc.  First
time it happen, the system is in the "locked" state for over 18 hours before
I turned it off on the advice of IBM.

3.) somebody has a changed job to a priority - I work for a small company.
I am the only one here that knows that there are priority settings that can
be changed.  I am the only "computer" person here (aka the computer guy).  I
know of every code change that has taken place for the last 4 years.  The
"lock ups" have mostly happen when no one was in the office.  Only once did
it go down during the business day.

4.) SMTP Spammer - I do use AS/400 to send email.  In the early weekday
mornings, I use job scheduler to run some reports, split them and email
them.  I was a worried about someone using the AS/400 as a relay so I used
CHGSMTPA to set ALLMAILMSF = *NO.  I don't think this is the lock up
problem, but it's an important issue anyway.  If I kidding myself that
ALLMAILMSF = *NO will stop mail relay, please tell me.  If someone knows a
better way to stop Relay mail, I am all ears.

5.) Journals - It takes a lot for me to say this, but I have no clue about
journals.  What are they?  How do I know if any are running?

6.) DASD - 73% used of 25 GB

7.) I already sent Bob Worlton a PM, and he is going to help me out.  Thanks
Bob.  Whatever the outcome is, I will post to the list.  Now I am praying
it's a hardware/software issue, or I am going to feel like a total idiot.

Please keep the ideas coming.

Joe Lewis

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To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


Message: 2
Subject: RE: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
From: jpcarr@tredegar.com
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 19:43:50 -0500
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

However, it is interesting to note that more and
more people are switching to bound calls (i.e. CALLP) which are the same
as C's function calls.
James Rich <SNIP>

I have to call ya on that one.   All we had since 1978 was a Dynamic Call
(passing parameters by reference)
When we Got ILE,  We had the best of both worlds.  We now do Bound Calls
with Pass By Value like C does,
BUT those programs should never have been dynamic.  and the dynamic call is
still Exactly what you want in some applications.  (The ones where the
chance of calling is very small like once in 5000 runs you will call it.)

Business rule exceptions Like;
If the customer is this type and and...... call this program to handle

Dynamic is probably exactly what you want.




Message: 3
Subject: Total Cost of Ownership
To: midrange-l@midrange.com, midrange-nontech@midrange.com,
From: "Anne Lucas" <alucas@us.ibm.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 19:05:04 -0600
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

Several of you helped design this new total cost of ownership tool for
iSeries.  Thank you!


Have a great day! and .... Enthusiasm is like a ripple in the water... It

Anne C. Lucas, Project Exec for iSeries Customer Relationships, IBM eServer
iSeries Marketing
iSeries Nation web site:  http://www.ibm.com/eserver/nation1  Chatting with
Citizens: http://www.ibm.com/eserver/nation/chate1

205/823-4831  T/L 537-9968,   800/223-3907 Pager eFax 1-501-325-2182
Admin Assist:   Alice Sebastiano Telephone:  (914) 642-4109, tie line
224-4109 Fax:  (914) 642-6976, tie line 224-6976


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 21:39:07 -0500
From: qsrvbas@netscape.net (Tom Liotta)
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: AS/400 Locking up
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com


Seems to me that this element is odd. Just to be certain, you did in fact m=
ean (1) the cursor goes to upper LEFT position, (2) it really is TWINAX att=
ached and (3) TELNET sessions also lockup? Hmmm... also, does the console g=
o blank all by itself? or does it simply become blank when you try to type =
something in and press <Enter>?

Tom Liotta

midrange-l-request@midrange.com wrote:

>   7. Re: AS/400 Locking up (Joe Lewis)
>1=3D2E) "Twinax stopped working" - I use a twinax terminal for the system =
>sole, and when the "lock up" happens, the screen goes blank with the curso=
> in the upper left hand corner.

Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone  253-872-7788 x313
Fax    253-872-7904

The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! http://channels=

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 21:58:43 -0500
From: qsrvbas@netscape.net (Tom Liotta)
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: RE: Green screen browser?
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com


Only as a side note, I can mention accessing such a browser (quite possibly=
 LYNX) through a model 300 quite a few years ago. If I recall correctly, I =
used ITF (Interactive Terminal Facility) to connect to the system with the =
browser. Pretty ugly procedure but it impressed me at the time.

Tom Liotta

midrange-l-request@midrange.com wrote:

>   2. Green screen browser? (Dennis Lovelady)
>Seems to me that eons ago, there was a green-screen browser (ala LYNX)
>available for the (pre-iSeries) AS/400.  In fact, my cobwebs tell me that
>it was included either as part of the standard OS distribution or as an
>installable feature.  This may have been circa V2R3 or V3R1, when the
>beginnings of TCP/IP were surfacing on the system.
>Do any of you have that same recollection, and if so, can you tell what
>became of it?

Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone  253-872-7788 x313
Fax    253-872-7904

The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! http://channels=

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Message: 6
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
From: gcrane@johansonmfg.com
Subject: Re: AS/400 Locking up
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 22:00:25 -0500
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Are you running Domino on this box?  We had to put up some PTF's to correct
run away Domino job that was gobbling up our temp storage and was near ready
to crash the system.

Usually when twinax display shows top left corner, it is not
communicating.....the device can be varied off.  I have also seen a
go bad on the system and have to have hardware replaced.

Just a couple of ideas to check.  Hope this helps.

Gail Crane
Johanson Manufacturing Corp.
phone 973-334-2676

Joe Lewis <joelewis@joesystems.com>
Sent by: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com
11/14/2002 02:51 PM
Please respond to midrange-l
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: AS/400 Locking up

About 30 days ago for the first time, my little 170 just locked up.  TCP
and Twinax stopped working, no error code on the front panel, the power
light was green, and the processor light was lit up solid.   After
talking with IBM (hours later), I had to manual power down.  Once back
up, there were no error listings in any of the logs or in Service Tools.
Then 2 weeks later, it did it again.  Then over this past weekend,
again yesterday and now this morning.  Hardware support thinks it's
software.  I am on hourly support with Software, and I don't want to
spend the money just find out it's an IBM issue ($250 an hour is not in
my budget).  I upgrade to v5r1 ,with all the PTFs at the time, in
February.  Nothing new has been added since then.  Other then ordering
the latest CUM (which I did), I am stumped.  Has anyone ran into this
- Joe Lewis
This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/cgi-bin/listinfo/midrange-l[1]
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l[2].

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  2. http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 21:00:43 -0700 (MST)
From: James Rich <james@eaerich.com>
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: RE: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 jpcarr@tredegar.com wrote:

> Any shop that actually used the LDA as you discribed would always use it
> strictly from an Externally Defined D/S.
> Thus the application base's usage is strictly by Variable Name and
> restricting
> any Byte location usage that it is wrappered away from the application
> base.

Hah!  You haven't seen the crazy old code I work with.  Externally defined
DS?  They didn't exist (I think) on the old S/36 and that is the code I
have to work with quite often.  Thankfully all the new stuff is ILE.

James Rich


Message: 8
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: AS/400 Locking up
From: Neil Palmer <neilp@dpslink.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 23:32:09 -0500
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

I've seen this a few times since 1988.  Usually caused by the system
expending almost all it's cycles on communication error recovery - and
that can include twinax devices, not just remote 5x94 controllers and
Ethernet/Tokenring.  Just a week ago a customer on a model 400-2130 was
moving some screens around on his twinax setup.  Somehow (even though
auto-config was on) he ended up with a screen that would not give him a
signon display, although the cursor was at top left (indicating connection
to the controller) - and all of a sudden every other twinax display locked
up, then the remote PC's connected via Ethernet froze and the CPU run
light was on solid.  I've sometimes seen this when moving a screen to a
twinax address where a printer, or a different type of display, is
configured.  It's supposed to delete and recreate the device, but for some
reason sometimes it doesn't and goes into a loop.  Before resorting to a
forced IPL I had him power off all twinax devices on the line, and then at
the screen he had moved I had him try powering off the screen, changing
the twinax address to zero, power on, repeat with addresses 1, 2, 3 etc.
When he got to 4 it came up with a signon display and the system exited
it's tight loop - so I guess that was the device it was trying to recover.

Just one thing that could be the cause - of course your problem may be
totally different !

Maybe you could shame it into working by spray painting the system console
blue and gluing a tombstone to the top.  ;-)


Joe Lewis <joelewis@joesystems.com>

        To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
        Subject:        AS/400 Locking up

About 30 days ago for the first time, my little 170 just locked up.  TCP
and Twinax stopped working, no error code on the front panel, the power
light was green, and the processor light was lit up solid.   After
talking with IBM (hours later), I had to manual power down.  Once back
up, there were no error listings in any of the logs or in Service Tools.
 Then 2 weeks later, it did it again.  Then over this past weekend,
again yesterday and now this morning.  Hardware support thinks it's
software.  I am on hourly support with Software, and I don't want to
spend the money just find out it's an IBM issue ($250 an hour is not in
my budget).  I upgrade to v5r1 ,with all the PTFs at the time, in
February.  Nothing new has been added since then.  Other then ordering
the latest CUM (which I did), I am stumped.  Has anyone ran into this

- Joe Lewis


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 23:53:16 -0500
From: qsrvbas@netscape.net (Tom Liotta)
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Adding memory -- model 170
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

To anybody:

I've added and removed a lot of different kinds of hardware to various AS/4=
00s, but I've never had to actually add memory. I have memory to add, and I=
 have a 170 to add it to. But I can't see where in the blasted thing it goe=
s=2E Tape drive? No problem, was easy. Disk drives? Also easy, they all are=
 working great.

But there just doesn't seem to be any sockets for these memory sticks; nor =
does it seem like they'd need some board that'd take up one of the availabl=
e slots.

Anybody have any hints?

Tom Liotta

Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone  253-872-7788 x313
Fax    253-872-7904

The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! http://channels=

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail.n=


Message: 10
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: Adding memory -- model 170
From: Neil Palmer <neilp@dpslink.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:11:45 -0500
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

Memory DIMM's plug straight onto the planar for 2389/2290/2292.  For a
2385/2386/2388 there's are memory riser cards.
Install them in pairs in sequential order by slot # leaving no gaps.


qsrvbas@netscape.net (Tom Liotta)
Sent by: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com
2002/11/14 23:53
Please respond to midrange-l

        To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
        Subject:        Adding memory -- model 170

To anybody:

I've added and removed a lot of different kinds of hardware to various
AS/400s, but I've never had to actually add memory. I have memory to add,
and I have a 170 to add it to. But I can't see where in the blasted thing
it goes. Tape drive? No problem, was easy. Disk drives? Also easy, they
all are working great.

But there just doesn't seem to be any sockets for these memory sticks; nor
does it seem like they'd need some board that'd take up one of the
available slots.

Anybody have any hints?

Tom Liotta

Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone  253-872-7788 x313
Fax    253-872-7904


Message: 11
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 21:24:37 -0800
From: Kirk Goins <kgoins@aracnet.com>
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: Adding memory -- model 170
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

Open the left side
Near the bottom running horz. is a cover you remove and the riser pulls out=
 if I
remeber correctly.

Tom Liotta wrote:
> To anybody:
> I've added and removed a lot of different kinds of hardware to various AS=
/400s, but I've never had to actually add memory. I have memory to add, and=
 I have a 170 to add it to. But I can't see where in the blasted thing it g=
oes. Tape drive? No problem, was easy. Disk drives? Also easy, they all are=
 working great.
> But there just doesn't seem to be any sockets for these memory sticks; no=
r does it seem like they'd need some board that'd take up one of the availa=
ble slots.
> Anybody have any hints?
> Thanks.
> Tom Liotta
> --
> --
> Tom Liotta
> The PowerTech Group, Inc.
> 19426 68th Avenue South
> Kent, WA 98032
> Phone  253-872-7788 x313
> Fax    253-872-7904
> http://www.powertechgroup.com
> __________________________________________________________________
> The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! http://channe=
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail=
> _______________________________________________
> This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing li=
> To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
> visit: http://lists.midrange.com/cgi-bin/listinfo/midrange-l
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> at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


Message: 12
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: Command line (was: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?)
From: Neil Palmer <neilp@dpslink.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:22:56 -0500
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

NEVER use SLTCMD.  Just type CPY*   ;-)


"David Gibbs" <david@midrange.com>

        To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
        Subject:        Command line (was: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?)

"R. Bruce Hoffman, Jr." <rbruceh=gQP1dZ1XGl8JGwgDXS7ZQA@public.gmane.org>
wrote in message 004a01c28c03$d59a6090$e664a8c0@Peabody">news:004a01c28c03$d59a6090$e664a8c0@Peabody...
> au contraire.....
> if you put in the -f, and get the source and target backwards, POOF!
> goes your file.....

Oh, and the 400 doesn't have trip-ups like that?

Do this sometime ...


No problem, right?  But replace the "S" with the key immediately to the
right and you get a totally different result.



Message: 13
From: ouuch@t-online.de
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 07:25:54 +0100
Subject: Problem with time fields in QUERY
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com


I'm doing some time calculations in Query, but I have some problems.

The file has start/end times in alpha format '14:05:30'. I can convert this
to a time field with
the statement time(starttime).
But when I subtract two time fields as in starttime -endtime the result is
6,0 numeric?

One of the alpha time fields doesn't have a leading zero when hour is less
than 10 :'
The time function doesn't work with a leading blank. How do I solve this?

And finally, what is the best time field format for downloads to Excel (when
Query produces
a file): 6,0 numeric, alpha ('14:05:30') or time data type?




Message: 14
From: "John Earl" <john.earl@powertechgroup.com>
To: <midrange-l@midrange.com>
Subject: RE: Command line (was: OT - Shutting down an RS/6000 ?)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 22:32:45 -0800
Organization: The PowerTech Group
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com

My favorite is SLTCMD RST*

Replace the first "s" with a fat fingered "d", and poof their go all you
restore commands.

Now, how do you get those back?  :)


John Earl - john.earl@powertechgroup.com
The PowerTech Group - Seattle, WA
+1-253-872-7788 - www.powertech.com

> au contraire.....
> if you put in the -f, and get the source and target backwards, POOF!
> goes your file.....

Oh, and the 400 doesn't have trip-ups like that?

Do this sometime ...


No problem, right?  But replace the "S" with the key immediately to the
right and you get a totally different result.


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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
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End of MIDRANGE-L Digest

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