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As long as the PC is running IP and has a remote command daemon running,
what you describe is very practical.  Please note that the stuff below
is somewhat simplified, but it should be enough to get you started.

The two AS/400 commands below illustrate the idea with either a host
name or an IP address.

RUNRMTCMD CMD('c:\pgmname.exe') RMTLOCNAME('' *IP)

One the PC, ensure that the optional component 'Accept Incoming Remote
Command' is installed.

For your questions:
- a modern P2P network will typically communicate using TCP/IP,
including communications with an AS/400.

- for straight peer-to-peer, it is likely that the PC's have hard-coded
addresses.  In order for the PC's to automatically obtain an address,
one of them (or some other device like a router or the AS/400) would
have to function as a DHCP server which would assign the addresses.  In
order to RUNRMTCMD to work, you need either a DNS server (to resolve the
name to an address) or a hard-coded IP address on the PC.

- cheap is fine.  any desktop which can run word and client access
should do the trick.

- there is a 'batch' command to run predefined file transfers,
RTOPCB.EXE.  Check the help text in client access for the appropriate
parameter formats.  So your command on the AS/400 could look something
like this:


the predefined transfer is contained in a file with a 'tto' extension.

Andy Nolen-Parkhouse

> On Behalf Of Richard B Baird
> Subject: peer 2 peer network, runrmtcmd and MS word
> hey all,
> i'm really 'networking challenged', but a collegue who is even more so
> challenged than I has asked for my advice on a problem, so i thought
> run it by the group.
> a client has a simple p2p win98 network, rather than NT or Novell.  i
> not at all sure what the connection to the 400 is, but i'm assuming
> tcp? - like i said, i'm challenged.
> they currently have about 4 or 5 batch jobs that prepare a file to
> with ov/400 documents.  they'd like to replace this using MS word, but
> retain the ability to have the 400 initiate the process in batch.
> i've searched the archives, and it seems RUNRMTCMD might be the
ticket, so
> here are my questions:
> will this work with a p2p network?
> what protocol does a p2p network typically use to connect with the
> if tcp, does each pc on the network have a static ip the 400 can
> would a cheap stand-alone pc running client access and word do the
> can you download a physical file (cpytoimpf) to this pc in this
> if so, how?
> any advice or just a point in the right direction would be
> thanks,
> rick

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