× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Make your own rebate. Buy extra 17gig drives, pay 1/2 price, sell them for
$1,000. Works with the other hardware also, just think drives and maybe
memory would be easy to sell. Buy enough drives and resell them, get a free
AS/400. ;)

And if you knew how the software licenses worked You could buy software you
do not need at a 38% discount and sell it for 20% off to some one else? (if
the software could be transferred)

Now would be a good time to find out how the transferring of licenses does
work. Someone might be better off selling their AS400 with the software and
buying new at 38% off, instead of upgrading the software from a lower P
level to a higher P level. Even if the software is in the same P level if
you could sell the software for list price (or even 30% off list) plus a
little for the hardware (think it would be more attractive to a buyer with
software) then take that same money for the software and pay the same
amount - 38%.

Now would also be a good time to find out if software subscription goes
with the box, since I heard as of July 1st there is no refunds.

John Ross

At 04:03 PM 8/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
>If orders invoiced by 9/30, an additional rebate($1500 US for 170, $2000 US
>for 820) plus up to $2175 in IBM Education can be tagged onto the current
>promotion...  They REALLY seem to want these third quarter sales.

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