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At 09:51 05/13/2002, Rob Berendt wrote:
>And is there a linux citrix client?

Obviously, not at this point, but have you tried Linux lately? I'm a
novice, but I recently installed a Red Hat 7.2 distribution, and was amazed
to see how well it all hangs together. Maybe you still need to be a bit of
a propeller head, but it's a LOT better than it was just a year or so ago.
The binary update packages (Up2Date) are fantastic. They're at least as
reliable as Windows update, and probably more so. KDE is pretty slick too.
The only thing I couldn't really get to work acceptably was Star Office. It
just isn't compatible enough with MS Office to handle my needs. If it were,
I'd have been sorely tempted to junk my desktop Win box all together. Maybe
Linux will become competitive with Windows at some point, and maybe it
won't. It seems like a pretty darn solid OS to me though, and as a file
server for a small Windows network, a web server or a firewall it's
outstanding right now.

Pete Hall

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