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Based on what you are saying, I would suggest that
you add triggers to your file that prevent "Pgma does
very bad things to data". That way you can help them
deal with the problem in when it occurs.

David Morris

>>> jtaylor@rpg2java.com 04/19/02 07:24AM >>>


> John, the message you are sending out on they your own messages,
> or are you
> just forwarding messages received as the result of an error? If they
> your own you could send the program and library out as part of the
> data.

Both. Much of my own code will use the error handler, but I also have
provide for customer written exit programs. In the event of an error, I
to log the offending program. For example:

- client writes a custom version of PgmA
- client's PgmA is placed higher on the *LIBL that the package version
- client's PgmA does very bad things to data
- programmer realizes his error, cleans up job logs, then calls
- I spend *hours* trying to figure out what went wrong, based on the
pretense that one of my programs was at fault.

That scenario was the driving force for an error handler with custom
features, but there are other uses once one begins to think about the


John Taylor

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