× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> From: "Brad Jensen" <brad@elstore.com>

> We have a PC based 5250 terminal server, if you can convert
> the DDS to calls maybe we could tie them together, and avoid
> the interactive tax entirely.


Some of your previous posts gave me the impression that custom VB
applications would interface with your "5250 terminal server".  If that is
the case, why do you call it 5250?  Does your terminal server generate a
5250 data stream and use the 5250 protocol?  Would programmers write their
own VB clients to interface with your server?  Or, does it interface with a
standard client (like a browser)?

OS/400 already has a terminal server (Telnet).  How is yours different?  Do
you envision legacy RPG applications "calling" your terminal server?  Or,
sending messages to it?  If messages, would the two programs communicate via
sockets?  And what would the messages contain?  Contain both data and format
tags (like HTML)?  If not HTML formatted text, then a proprietary
alternative?  If the messages contain only data, where would the formatting
come from?

As you can tell, I'm bewildered.

Nathan M. Andelin

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