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One of our network people came over today, and asked me about this issue.  I
was wondering where I could get IBM's response about this problem... Does
anybody have a link, or more information so I can check to see if we need to
be concerend...

Thanks, tim

> -----Original Message-----
> From: RayPeterson [SMTP:RayPeterson@gmx.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 10:38 PM
> To:   midrange-l@midrange.com
> Subject:      RE: SNMP Security flaw-and IBM response
> Jim...
> I think the issue for all of us is broader that just our potential iSeries
> vulnerabilities.  We do though still need a clear response from IBM on
> iSeries and other servers beyond the unix base they've talked about so
> far.
> SNMPv2 is not supported by Cisco, but for many of us snmp on Cisco is
> strategic and cannot just be turned off.  We use both Cisco routers and
> switches.  Then again, I'd bet we have snmp running on some systems where
> we
> aren't even using it.
> Today's SANS NewsBites (see below) suggests many organizations are
> following
> a four-step action plan to improve security.  This is an opportunity for
> SANS to encourage us to improve security generally by promoting the SANS
> "top twenty".  I did the top 20 review during the NIMDA chaos but I'm
> going
> to review it again, especially looking at the new servers we've added
> since
> then.
> They are also making available a tool to help find the Cisco
> vulnerabilities.  There is a webcast next Wednesday to introduce that
> tool.
> Ray
> From: Alan for the SANS NewsBites service
> Re:   February 13 SANS NewsBites
> Hash: SHA1
> The widespread SNMP vulnerabilities appear to be a wake-up call. Many
> organizations are following a four-step action plan to fix more than
> just the immediate problem:
> 1.Patch the systems on which you have to run SNMP
> 2.Turn off SNMP on the systems where you don't.
> 3.See which of the other "Top Twenty Internet Security Vulnerabilities"
> (www.sans.org/top20.htm) your organization has not protected against,
> and make it right.
> 4.Check your Cisco routers for the other important vulnerabilities
> uncovered by the NSA and SANS, and correct those flaws.
> SANS and the Center for Internet Security are making available a
> new free tool to help you find the Cisco vulnerabilities.  We have
> rescheduled the web broadcast, in which the tool's main authors will
> show you what the tool does and how it works, for next Wednesday,
> February 20 at 1:00 PM EST (1800 GMT). The change in date is to give
> you time to get all your SNMP problems solved before you move on to
> the other Cisco security issues.
>                                   Alan
> **********************************************************************
> -----Original Message-----
> From: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com
> [mailto:midrange-l-admin@midrange.com]On Behalf Of Jim Franz
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 9:31 PM
> To: midrange-l@midrange.com
> Subject: Re: SNMP Security flaw-and IBM response
> can anyone identify the snmp version on the iSeries?
> We have read in prev posts that IBM say's generically" it is unaffected
> but I have people asking for more detail. Some news stories have
> said get to level 2, other level 3 of the snmp protocol.
> btw - some have complained (both to CERT.org & IBM) that the iSeries
> is never mentioned or referenced. To IBM i would say "you keep telling
> us we've got a great server & can play in the "real" world with a
> standards
> based system", yet you leave us in the dark in the security area. I see
> the
> protocols I use every day (http, telnet, ftp, pop, snmp, etc) listed in
> and all I can do is pray you've got it covered. (took years to get the old
> security flawed DNS updated!) CERT answered me back and said it's up to
> the vendor to participate. How about it ???
> Went to the iSereis support site - searched "snmp AND security" - nothing
> relevent. The rest of the world is paying attention to this!
> jim franz
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