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IBM Releasing Linux-Driven Mainframe
NEW YORK (AP) - IBM Corp. will release on Friday what it says is the
first-ever mainframe, running the free, open source Linux (news
ch/news?p=%22Linux%22&c=&n=20&yn=c&c=news&cs=nw>  - web sites
d_Internet/Software/Operating_Systems/UNIX/Linux/> ) operating system.
The new Z-series mainframe for Linux, which costs $400,000 and is aimed
at processing transactions at large businesses, is IBM's first mainframe
computer sold without IBM's traditional z/OS mainframe operating system,
the company said.
The machine, which typically form the nerve center of a corporate
computer network of thousands of computers, is significantly cheaper
than IBM's non-Linux mainframes, which typically sell for $750,000.
Most of the savings are due to the machine's lack of proprietary,
closed-source software.
IBM officials say the machines, to be introduced at the LinuxWorld
conference in New York from Jan. 29-Feb. 1, are targeted at companies
without staffs experienced in mainframe operation.
The company also announced the release of a smaller server running
Linux, the I-series server for Linux, which will sell for less than

Mark Allen
I.S. Manager
Wilkes Telephone & Electric
A Dycom Company
Phone: (706) 678-9565
Email: allenmark@nu-z.net

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