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Since I do all my e-mail from home without access to the 400, I often tend to
be a bit vague.  I do this quite often.

There is some shareware to get at job stack information on ALL active jobs.
Display Active BPCS Jobs = http://www.precosis.com.au/piu1.htm
Improved version = http://www.precosis.com.au/rv1.htm

There is a RTVJOB* something where you can populate variables with
information about the current job that is running ... most of my CL runs from
a menu.

Of course this could be misleading if someone ran the CL using a library not
in the library list, but like I say, this is not our normal situation.

There is another RTV which I can do on a software object name & it tells me
the name of the library that it first found it in, so if I am about to
execute an RPG program or access some object, I can know in CL before I do so
which library it is coming from.

This is important for me to know for several reasons.
We have test versions of things under development, which people get at by
adding test library to their library list.
We have more than one environment ... production & education.

I like to print on the bottom of some reports.
Which environment did this data come from.
Which facility is it for.
Which version of the software was used.

Most of that info comes from RTV something in the CL then passed to the RPG
as a parameter.

In a few cases we want to do things a little different, such as printer
over-rides, based on which facility some output is for.  BPCS offers this,
but people manage to screw it up, so we have some extra overrides.

MacWheel99@aol.com (Alister Wm Macintyre) (Al Mac)

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