This is a multipart message in MIME format. -- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I showed the ongoing digest to one of my colleagues, his reply says it all... <quote> Tools --> out of office Exceptions check the all important 'do not automatically reply to mail from internet addresses' problem solved! And what should we use instead? Microsoft Exchange? Ha! And bets are on that their server appends the confidentiality notice. In the time it took this person to type their crying they could've deleted the message a couple of hundred times over? </quote> We're still having the punch up on GUI V Green Screen. As soon as the brawl is over, and we've cleaned the teeth from the carpet, I might report back <vbg> Steven Donnellan AS/400 Systems Manager IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 Professional Operator Simon Jersey Ltd http://www.simonjersey.com --
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