× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

You are quite correct in that the AS/400 FTP server being inactive is causing 
the problem. Why this has started with Windows 2000, and not under Windows 
95/98/NT beats me.
Is there anyway to change the FTP attributes (CHGFTPA) for the inactivity 
timeout on the AS/400? or - as it is approaching the timeout time, doing a 
remote directory doing something like
HELP SERVER SITE. This, I believe will display the remote servers list of FTP 
commands. Dont know if this will work in your case, but its worth a try.

>>> "Klein, Ron" <ron.klein@brctsg.com> 08/27/01 01:24PM >>>
Hi All,

We have been using FTP QUOTE RCMD to run programs on the AS/400 from the PC.
Our FTP script consists of several steps ...

        QUOTE RCMD AA317D
        GET datafile

AA317D runs a COBOL program that prepares the datafile.   Under Windows
95/98/NT this worked very well.  But under Windows 2000, we receive
CONNECTION CLOSED BY REMOTE HOST if the remote command  AA317D runs longer
than 60 seconds.   We called Microsoft and was told this is an AS.400 issue.
Somehow we need to send packets back so that we don't time out.   Runtime
exceeds 60 seconds when there is a large amount of data to prepare and the
server is already taxed.  How do we send packets back?  SNDPGMMSG didn't

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