× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: RE: Ready to scrap an AS/400
  • From: "Daniel Wesloskie" <dwesloskie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 12:24:56 -0400
  • Importance: Normal

Hello Richard,

Here is some background:

Sometime around 1995, the system at that time was converted over
to the AS/400 platform.  I believe the old system was a DEC, I'm
not sure.  Most of the processes were done manually so whatever
the old system did was enough.  When ALTA wanted to start automating
the processes as the membership grew, that is when they moved to the
AS/400.  It was a CISC Model 200, (a 9402 with about 4 gig dasd I
believe, running V3R2), and this was good enough, and was used up 
until last year. 

That was when the 170e 9406 was acquired.  It currently has 12 gig
dasd with a slot open for an additional drive.  Domino was added
on later.  During non-peak times, there doesn't seem to be as much
of a problem, but it is the times when it is really needed the most
that it fails.

The system is usually around 80-84% capacity. I have had Lotus
dial in many times in the past 5 months to monitor Domino and
poke around in there.  I have had IBM dial in many times and 
look around and check performance, and other things. All PTF's
that were required have been applied.  The machine dials out
weekly and gets whatever it needs and I apply those.

Right now, I have sent Lotus many of the nsd files and other
files they have requested so they can go through them and try
to figure out what the problem is.  There is an open pmr with
IBM as they try to solve the problem.  I will be sending a full
backup to Lotus so they can try to recreate our environment and
test with it.  

The problem with Domino seems to always be the concurrent users.
It seems to max at around 35, and lock up the HTTP server.
They had sent us a patch that seemed to work for a little while.
The problem with the AS/400 is that it locks up, and I have to 
IPL.  The VRS is a dos based system that is going to be replaced
in the next few months, but it talk to the AS/400 via data queue.
That hardly is a resource hog.  There are about 7 users on the

We have started limiting users through the firewall and this seems
to have relieved it a little.  I know that I don't want Domino on
the production box anymore.  Our business partner seems to want to
sell us a bigger AS/400, but I don't trust them.  I also can't
justify getting another AS/400 to do only one thing.  Wouldn't
I also run into the same problem of Domino taking all the resources
until the system locks up?

I think if I stay with a Domino solution, and I would need some help
here from somebody who has done it, I would run Domino on a unix box.
I think in this case it would not be buying another 1 ton truck to
replace another 1 ton truck, that's just stupid.  Who would do that?
I would be able to buy that 5 ton truck at the same cost as the 1
ton truck I already have.  

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-midrange-l@midrange.com
[mailto:owner-midrange-l@midrange.com]On Behalf Of Richard Jackson
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:14 PM
To: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com
Subject: RE: Ready to scrap an AS/400

Sounds like the machine is either tuned wrong or it is too small.  No news

How did it get that way?

Did you load-test it before going live?

What are you going to do about it?

Richard Jackson
Voice: 1 (303) 808-8058
Fax:   1 (303) 663-4325

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