× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: Microsoft (Re: DDS Support)
  • From: "Al Barsa, Jr." <barsa2@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:39:57 -0400

At 02:29 PM 06/27/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>I've gotta ask - is Microsoft still on 400's? Thought they were removed
>(quietly) last year.

As I understand it, Microsoft moved off their 23 AS/400 to 1600 NT servers, 
and only lasted on NT for a short period of time.  They then outsourced 
their IT to another company that just happens to have 23 AS/400's!



Subject: Sultan of Brunei...

Some years ago, the Sultan of Brunei was becoming angry as he had 6 
children, all girls, and therefore had no son and heir. Imagine his joy 
when one of his wives finally presented him with his only son and heir.

Just before his son's sixth birthday, the Sultan took him to one side and 
said, "Son, I am very proud of you. Anything you want, I shall get for 
you."His son replied, "Daddy, I would like to have my own airplane."

Not wanting to do anything halfway, his father bought him American Airlines.

Just before his son's seventh birthday, the Sultan took him to one side. 
"Son, you are my pride and joy. Anything you want, I shall get for you."His 
son replied, "Daddy, I would like a boat."

Not wanting to do anything halfway, his father bought him The Princess 
Cruise Lines.

Just before his son's eighth birthday, the Sultan took him to one side. 
"Son, you bring so much happiness into my life. Anything you want, I shall 
get for you."His son replied, "Daddy, I would like to be able to watch 

Not wanting to do anything halfway, his father bought him Disney Studios 
and their theaters, where he watched all his favorite cartoons.

Just before his son's ninth birthday, the Sultan took him to one side. 
"Son, you are an inspiration to us all. Anything you want, I shall get for 
you."His son, who had really gotten into the Disney cartoons, replied, 
"Daddy, I would like a Mickey Mouse outfit."

Not wanting to do anything halfway, his father went and bought him Microsoft.

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Al Barsa, Jr. - Account for Midrange-L
Barsa Consulting, LLC.  
400 > 390

Phone:          914-251-1234
Fax:            914-251-9406

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