× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

At 04:01 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Is there a list of which LPPs use which libraries, and which IBM-supplied Q*
>users do what?
>We're currently undergoing a MIS audit, and one of the concerns is the large
>number of user profiles and libraries on the system. The auditors are
>knowledgeable about the AS/400; I'm requesting this info for our internal
>use. We know what our vendor and in-house libraries and profiles do, and
>would like to know the same for IBM-supplied libraries.
I hope this works.  It's a list of the IBM libraries from DSPSFWRSC 
reordered by library.  I am unaware of how to get a comparable list of user 
profiles.  Pasting from MS word to Eudora is somewhat problematic.  Make 
sure that your e-mail client uses a fixed length font.  If you experience 
wrapping, widen the window of your e-mail client.


   IBM Libraries and Associated Program Products for V4R3:
Libraries and Products:
  Library     Description                                            ID 

  #COBLIB     COBOL/400 - System/36 compatible                    5769CB1  1
  #RPGLIB     S/36-compatible RPG II                              5769RG1  1
  QADM        App Dev ToolSet/400 - App Dev Manager               5769PW1  2
  QADSM       ADSTAR Distributed Storage 
Manager                  5769SV3  *BASE
CS/400                                         5716CL1  *BASE
  QADTSWIN    Application Dev ToolSet Client 
Server/400           5763CL2  *BASE
  QAFP        IBM AFP Utilities for 
AS/400                        5769AF1  *BASE
  QAFPLIB     OS/400 - Print Services Facility                    5769SS1  17
  QAPD        Application Program Driver for 
AS/400               5769PD1  *BASE
  QBBCSRCH    OfficeVision - Text Search Services                 5769WP1  1
  QBGU        AS/400 Business Graphics 
Utility                    5769DS1  *BASE
  QBRM        Backup Recovery and Media Services for 
AS/400       5769BR1  *BASE
  QCA400W     Client Access/400 Windows Family 
Base               5769XW1  *BASE
  QCA400Y     Client Access Base 
Family                           5769XY1  *BASE
  QCBL        COBOL/400 - System/38 compatible                    5769CB1  2
  QCBLLE      ILE COBOL for 
AS/400                                5769CB1  *BASE
  QCBLLEP     ILE COBOL for AS/400 - *PRV ILE COBOL               5769CB1  6
  QCICS       CICS for 
AS/400                                     5769DFH  *BASE
  QCICSSAMP   CICS Sample Programs                                5769DFH  1
  QCLE        ILE C for 
AS/400                                    5769CX2  *BASE
  QCM400      Client Access/400 - OS/2 Communications Mgr         5763XF1  5
  QCODEWIN    CoOperative Dev Environment/400 for Windows         5763CL2  1
  QCODE400    CODE/400                                            5716CL1  1
  QCPA        OS/400 - Common Programming APIs Toolkit            5769SS1  15
  QCPP        Visualage C++ for OS/400 
BE                         5716CX4  *BASE
  QCPPH       VisualAge for C++ for AS/400 - Host 
Component       5716CX5  *BASE
  QCRP        Cryptographic Support for 
AS/400                    5769CR1  *BASE
  QCTT        Visualage C++ for OS/400                            5716CX4  1
  QCTTH       VisualAge for C++ for AS/400 - Windows Client       5716CX5  1
  QDB2MS      OS/400 - DB2 MultiSystem                            5769SS1  27
  QDCE2       DCE Base Services for 
AS/400                        5769DC1  *BASE
  QDCT        Language Dictionaries for 
OS/400                    5716DCT  *BASE
  QDIRSRV     OS/400 - Directory Services                         5769SS1  32
  QDMT        App Dev ToolSet/400 - AppDict Services              5769PW1  3
  QDNS        OS/400 - Domain Name System                         5769SS1  31
  QDPR        DataPropagator Relational for 
AS/400                5769DP2  *BASE
  QFAX        IBM Facsimile Support for 
OS/400                    5798TAY  *BASE
  QFNTCPL     OS/400 - AFP Compatibility Fonts                    5769SS1  8
  QFNT00      Advanced Function Printing 
Fonts/400                5769FNT  *BASE
  QFNT01      AFP Fonts - Sonoran Serif                           5769FNT  1
  QFNT02      AFP Fonts - Sonoran Serif Headliner                 5769FNT  2
  QFNT03      AFP Fonts - Sonoran Sans Serif                      5769FNT  3
  QFNT04      AFP Fonts - Sonoran Sans Serif Headliner            5769FNT  4
  QFNT05      AFP Fonts - Sonoran Sans Serif Condensed            5769FNT  5
  QFNT06      AFP Fonts - Sonoran Sans Serif Expanded             5769FNT  6
  QFNT07      AFP Fonts - Monotype Garamond                       5769FNT  7
  QFNT08      AFP Fonts - Century Schoolbook                      5769FNT  8
  QFNT09      AFP Fonts - Pi and Specials                         5769FNT  9
  QFNT10      AFP Fonts - ITC Souvenir                            5769FNT  10
  QFNT11      AFP Fonts - ITC Avant Garde Gothic                  5769FNT  11
  QFNT12      AFP Fonts - Math and 
Science                        5769FNT  12 QFNT13      AFP Fonts - 
DATA1                                   5769FNT  13
  QFNT14      AFP Fonts - APL2                                    5769FNT  14
  QFNT15      AFP Fonts - OCR A and OCR B                         5769FNT  15
  QFNT60      Advanced Function Printing DBCS 
Fonts/400           5769FN1  *BASE
  QFNT61      AFP DBCS Fonts - Japanese                           5769FN1  1
  QFNT62      AFP DBCS Fonts - Korean                             5769FN1  2
  QFNT63      AFP DBCS Fonts - Traditional Chinese                5769FN1  3
  QFNT64      AFP DBCS Fonts - Simplified Chinese                 5769FN1  4
  QFNT65      AFP DBCS Fonts - Thai                               5769FN1  5
  QFPINT      IBM Integration Services for 
FSIOP                  5769SA2  *BASE
  QFPNTWE     OS/400 - NetWare Enhanced Integration               5769SS1  25
  QFPNTWI     IBM OS/400 Integration for Novell 
NetWare           5769SA3  *BASE
  QFSNOTES    OS/400 - Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration           5769SS1  24
  QGDDM       OS/400 - GDDM                                       5769SS1  14
  QGYOS2      Client Access/400 - GraphicOps for OS/2             5763XF1  6
  QHLPSYS     OS/400 - Online Information                         5769SS1  2
  QHTTPSVR    IBM HTTP Server for 
AS/400                          5769DG1  *BASE
  QICSS       OS/400 - Digital Certificate Manager                5769SS1  34
  QIDU        AS/400 System/38 
Utilities                          5769DB1  *BASE
  QIJS        Job Scheduler for 
AS/400                            5769JS1  *BASE
  QIPSINT     IBM Firewall for 
AS/400                             5769FW1  *BASE
  QIWS        OS/400 - Host Servers                               5769SS1  12
  QIWSF       Client Access/400 for 
DOS                           5763XL1  *BASE
  QIWSFS      Client Access/400 - DOS SBCS                        5763XL1  1
  QIWSP       Client Access/400 for DOS with Ext 
Memory           5763XB1  *BASE
  QIWSPD      Client Access/400 - Ext DOS DBCS                    5763XB1  2
  QIWSPS      Client Access/400 - Ext DOS SBCS                    5763XB1  1
  QIWS2       Client Access/400 for 
OS/2                          5763XF1  *BASE
  QIWS2S      Client Access/400 - OS/2 SBCS                       5763XF1  1
  QJAVA       AS/400 Developer Kit for 
Java                       5769JV1  *BASE
  QJT400      AS/400 Toolbox for 
Java                             5763JC1  *BASE
  QLBL        COBOL/400 - COBOL                                   5769CB1  5
  QMGU        OS/400 - S/36 and S/38 Migration                    5769SS1  4
  QMPGLIB     Performance 
Management/400                          5769PM1  *BASE
  QMQM        MQSeries for 
AS/400                                 5769MQ2  *BASE
  QMQMADM     MQSeries for AS/400 - Admin App                     5769MQ2  2
  QMQMSAMP    MQSeries for AS/400 - Samples                       5769MQ2  1
  QMSE        OS/400 - Media and Storage Extensions               5769SS1  18
  QMU400      OS/400 - S/36 Migration Assistant                   5769SS1  11
  QM36        OS/400 - Advanced 36                                5769SS1  20
  QNETQ       NetQuestion for 
AS/400                              5769NC5  *BASE
  QNOTES      Lotus Domino For 
AS/400                             5769LNT  *BASE
  QNOTESADVC  Advanced Services                                   5769LNT  7
  QNOTESAPI   C API                                               5769LNT  3
  QNOTESCPP   C++ API                                             5769LNT  4
  QNOTESHTST  HiTest C API                                        5769LNT  6
  QNOTESINT   AS/400 Integration                                  5769LNT  1
  QNOTESLSKT  LotusScript Extension ToolKit                       5769LNT  5
  QNTAP       OS/400 - AS/400 Integration for NT                  5769SS1  29
  QOFC        OfficeVision for 
AS/400                             5769WP1  *BASE
  QOFC        OfficeVision - Calendar                             5769WP1  2
  QOFC        OfficeVision - Mail                                 5769WP1  3
  QOFC        OfficeVision - Editor                               5769WP1  4
  QPASE       OS/400 - Private Address Space Environment          5769SS1  33
  QPDA        Application Development ToolSet/400 
-SEU            5769PW1  *BASE
  QPDA        Application Development ToolSet/400 
-Others         5769PW1  1 QPFR        Performance Tools for AS/400 - 
Base                 5769PT1  *BASE
  QPFR        Performance Tools - Manager Feature                 5769PT1  1
  QPFR        Performance Tools - Agent Feature                   5769PT1  2
  QPOS        Point-of-Sale Utility for 
AS/400                    5769CF1  *BASE
  QPWXCGA     Client Access/400-Graphical Access for OS/400       5763XC1  8
  QPWXCGY     Client Access/400 - GraphicOps for Windows          5763XC1  6
  QPWXCLIB    Client Access/400 for Windows 
3.1                   5763XC1  *BASE
  QPWXCPC     Client Access/400 - Windows 3.1 PC5250              5763XC1  5
  QPWXCRB     Client Access/400 - Windows 3.1 RUMBA SBCS          5763XC1  3
  QPWXCSO     Client Access/400-SysObject Access for OS/400       5763XC1  9
  QPWXCUM     Client Access/400 - Ultimedia Facilities            5763XC1  7
  QPWXCWN     Client Access/400 - Windows 3.1 SBCS                5763XC1  1
  QPWXGGA     Client Access/400 - Graphical Access for OS/400     5763XG1  5
  QPWXGGY     Client Access/400 - GraphicOps for OS/2             5763XG1  3
  QPWXGOS2    Client Access/400 Optimized for 
OS/2                5763XG1  *BASE
  QPWXGPC     Client Access/400 - PC5250 Optimized for OS/2       5763XG1  2
  QPWXGRB     Client Access/400 - RUMBA Optimized for OS/2        5763XG1  1
  QPWXGUM     Client Access/400 - Ultimedia Facilities            5763XG1  4
  QQRYLIB     Query for 
AS/400                                    5769QU1  *BASE
  QRDARS      OnDemand 
Base                                       5769RD1  *BASE
  QRDARS      OnDemand Spooled File Archive feature               5769RD1  1
  QRDARS      OnDemand Object Archive feature                     5769RD1  2
  QRDARS      OnDemand Record Archive feature                     5769RD1  3
  QRDARS      OnDemand AnyStore feature                           5769RD1  4
  QRJE        Communications 
Utilities/400                        5769CM1  *BASE
  QRPG        RPG/400                                             5769RG1  5
  QRPGLE      ILE 
RPG                                             5769RG1  *BASE
  QRPGLEP     *PRV ILE RPG                                        5769RG1  6
  QRPG38      S/38-compatible RPG III                             5769RG1  2
  QRUMBA      Client Access/400 - Ext DOS RUMBA SBCS              5763XB1  3
  QRUMBA2     Client Access/400 - OS/2 RUMBA SBCS                 5763XF1  3
  QRUMBA2D    Client Access/400 - OS/2 RUMBA DBCS                 5763XF1  4
  QSHELL      OS/400 - QShell Interpreter                         5769SS1  30
  QSMP        OS/400 - DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing              5769SS1  26
  QSMU        System Manager for 
AS/400                           5769SM1  *BASE
  QSOC        OS/400 - OptiConnect                                5769SS1  23
  QSQL        DB2 Query Manager and SQL Development Kit for 
AS/4005769ST1  *BASE
  QSR         OS/400 - ObjectConnect                              5769SS1  22
  QSSP        OS/400 - System/36 Environment                      5769SS1  5
  QSVBASE     SystemView Base for 
OS/400                          5716SVM  *BASE
  QSVCDRCTR   AS/400 Service 
Director                             5798RZG  *BASE
  QSVCM       TME 10 NetFinity Server for 
AS/400                  5769SVA  *BASE
  QSVCM2      TME 10 NetFinity Manager for 
OS/2                   5716SVD  *BASE
  QSVCM95     TME 10 NetFinity Manager for Windows 
95             5716SVE  *BASE
  QSVLNCH     SystemView Base for OS/400 - Launch window          5716SVM  1
  QSVMSS      Managed System Services for 
AS/400                  5769MG1  *BASE
  QSYS        Operating 
System/400                                5769SS1  *BASE
  QSYSDIR     OS/400 - Extended Base Directory Support            5769SS1  3
  QSYSINC     OS/400 - System Openness Includes                   5769SS1  13
  QSYSLOCALE  OS/400 - Extended NLS Support                       5769SS1  21
  QSYSV4R2M0  OS/400 - *PRV CL Compiler Support                   5769SS1  9
  QSYS2       OS/400 - Extended Base Support                      5769SS1  1
  QSYS38      OS/400 - System/38 Environment                      5769SS1  6
  QTCP        AS/400 TCP/IP Connectivity 
Utilities/400            5769TC1  *BASE
  QTY         CallPath/400                                        5716CP3 
  QUMEDIA     OS/400 - Ultimedia System 
Facilities                5769SS1  16 QUMSFOS2    Client Access/400 - 
Ultimedia Facilities            5763XF1  7
  QUMSFWIN    Client Access/400 - Ultimedia Facilities            5763XB1  5
  QUSRTOOL    OS/400 - Example Tools Library                      5769SS1  7
  QVGEN       VisualGen Host Services for 
OS/400                  5716VG1  *BASE
  QVRPG       VRPG CLIENT/2                                       5716CL1  2
  QVRPGWIN    VisualAge for RPG for Windows                       5763CL2  2
  QWIN16      Client Access/400 for Windows 
3.1                   5763XK1  *BASE
  QWIN16S     CA/400 - Windows 3.1 SBCS                           5763XK1  1
  QWIN32      Client Access/400 Optimized for 
Windows             5763XD1  *BASE
  QXZ1        OS/2 Warp Server for AS400 
(WS400)                  5769XZ1  *BASE
  QYTC        IBM Network Station Manager for 
AS/400              5733A07  *BASE
  QZSB        IBM Network Station 
Browser                         5648B08  *BASE

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| Private mail should go to barsa@ibm.net.         |

Al Barsa, Jr. - Account for Midrange-L
Barsa Consulting, LLC.  
400 > 390

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