× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Our local users group (Cascade/400 Users Group) sponsored an Education Day
Conference yesterday (5/11/99)...

It was a very full day! We started at 7:30AM with registration and the
conference didn't wrap up until around 9PM.... A very long day, but worth
every minute.

The absolute highlight of the day though was a wonderful presentation by
Roger Pence.

After dinner Roger talked to us about "Debunking AS/400 myths, lies and

I have always enjoyed reading Roger articles in the tech magazines so it was
a real treat hearing him speak on the subjects he knows so much about.

He was funny, articulate and very knowledgeable.

If you have a local users group meeting coming up, I would highly recommend
that you invite Roger to come and speak!!!

Thanx again Roger for coming to Portland and sharing your thoughts with all
of us!


         Kenneth  E.  Graap             
    IBM Certified Specialist                 
          AS/400   Professional                   
          System  Administrator                  
 NW Natural - Information Services        
           System Services                         
        503 226 4211 X5537                 
          FAX  503 721 2521                  

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