× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Dear query/400 experts...,

End user request concerning modification of an interactive CL pgm which call
6 queries I create last year is really bugging me. Is anyone out there can
give me tips to make my queries works better and efficient?. 
Here is the case, there is one transaction physical file that looks like this:

(Sorted by Stock#-Ascending, and PODate-Descending)

Stock#          Description             UnitCost PO#    PODate     Vendor#
A0101001        BUSHING; 1 KV/250 A     48.000   DE0021 98/10/20   FE001
A0101001        BUSHING; 1 KV/250 A     46.000   PE0012 98/05/13   LE012
A0101001        BUSHING; 1 KV/250 A     44.000   DE0003 97/11/24   LA123
A0101001        BUSHING; 1 KV/250 A     46.000   DE0021 97/10/05   FD034
A0101001        BUSHING; 1 KV/250 A     47.000   DE0021 98/10/20   LC005

A0101002        COPPER BLA BLA..       123.000   CE0123 98/05/12   DE012
A0101002        COPPER BLA BLA..       130.000   BE0221 98/01/13   LE013
A0101002        COPPER BLA BLA..       120.000   DE0028 97/09/24   LA123
A0101002        COPPER BLA BLA..       100.000   LE0321 96/10/04   FD034
A0101002        COPPER BLA BLA..       128.000   BE0009 95/08/21   LC005

A0101003        OTHER  BLA BLA..       490.000   PE0320 98/09/13   CE013

Expected query result is to get the most current UnitCost of every Stock#,
which looks like this:

Stock#          Description             UnitCost PO#    PODate     Vendor#  
A0101001        BUSHING; 1 KV/250 A     48.000   DE0021 98/10/20   FE001        
A0101002        COPPER BLA BLA..       123.000   CE0123 98/05/12   DE012
A0101003        OTHER  BLA BLA..       490.000   PE0320 98/09/13   CE013

My CL pgm call 6 queries which process 5 physical files and heavily use
QTEMP library, NOW it takes 10 minutes to get the result (F10, CISC). I try
to find the solution in Query/400 manual but I can't find useful tips.

Please don't mention RPG at this time, since I'm in hurry  :-)

Thanks in Advance,                   


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