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As an alternative to ICFF, consider CPI-C for comm programs.  CPI-C is
similar to ICFF, but it's done with program calls instead of writing
formats to an ICFFile.  As far as performance goes, 4 years ago they were
neck and neck, but IBM was to keep improving CPI-C and ignoring ICFF.

There are some good examples in the CPI-C manual, along with flow diagrams
so you get an understanding of how the logic works.  Not really
complicated, but a lot of detail:  you start with the basics, then add
additional details for security, error handling, etc.

You can consider either type of comm program to be just like a telephone call:
        Look up number
        Dial Number
        Wait for ring
        Wait for answer
        You there?
        Yeah, I"m here.
        Here's some data.
        got it.
        Here's some more
        got it.
        you sure you got it?
        I'm sure.
        OK, I'm hanging up
        Thanks, talk to ya later

--Paul E Musselman

>Hi all,
>How do ICFF programs work?  Does it have to be a C program or could I write
>this in RPG too (Is there an example somewhere in the Redbooks that I could
>use)?  I tried to write a program in RPG and had problems in F spec with
>this file.  I could not define this as workstation and use the write Evoke
>record.  When I defined this as a Special file, the program compiled but had
>problems while running. Could someone throw some light on this please?  Here
>is what I have for each sending & receiving end :
>- An ICFF file.
>- A workstation file for Menus & other options.
>- A CL to overlay the Pgm Dev Entry OVRICFDEVE and call to the (RPG)
>- RPG to actually receive/write the ICFF & workstation file.
>Again, should dataques be used with ICFF files?   How will they improve the
>Any and all help would be appreciated.

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