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wait a second...  if you are just printing a report, then just print the
columns on the paper, forget the table or array.   If you are trying to
total, and then average the totals, make two work fields for each column,
adding as you go; a counter to one field and the numbers to the other
field.  Five columns would be 10 workfields, no big deal. Forget the table
and the array.  Name the fields maybe...  TOT1, AVE1 TOT2, AVE2, etc.

In <19980718012341.8806.rocketmail@send1d.yahoomail.com>, on 07/17/98 
   at 06:23 PM, mohammad khan <mohammadakhan@yahoo.com> said:

>Hi again,

>Just had to add you folks are some of the nicest people
>i've met around, thanks for all the help. I've gone
>thru all the suggestions so far and find them all beneficial in some way
>although i haven't gone thru each one in depth, not much time next to my
>regular job don'tchew know. i'm a beginner though so forgive me if i just
>don't get it at times. 

>here's the way i was gonna about coding my rpg iv table.

>i have 3 columns i know i will print. so, I'll use the
>MOVE & MOVEL to break apart the 2nd (alternating) table when i need a
>certain column (2nd or 3rd table). the 4th column will be (initially) an
>empty table (is that possible) to which the average of table 3 will be

>can i write a program that averages the elements of a 
>table and then just output the data in table format without explicitly
>telling the result it will be in a 

>meaning, the program reads table 1 & table 2,
>table 2 is broken into table 2 & 3 so that the right most table and its
>elements can be averaged and sent to
>a result field that prints the average?

>then comes another problem after that...table lookups,
>ahhhhh shit!


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Booth Martin

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