TAB09962 Sender: owner-midrange-l@midrange.com Precedence: bulk Reply-To: MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com X-List-Name: Midrange Systems Mailing List (MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com) Thought you folks might be interested in this given the content of this thread. One point that Jarosh made at Soundoff was that advertising is only part of the game (and not a big part at that if the other factors are not in play). Media coverage is far more important, and he demonstrated at Soundoff that the level of coverage has increased fourfold in recent months. Since I just received a soft-copy of some of those articles, I thought I'd pass them along. This is the mind share stuff that really matters. AS/400 NOTABLE PRESS CLIPS April 10-May 7, 1998 Speaking at IBM's annual stockholders meeting, company Chairman Lou Gerstner hailed the "radical transformation" of the AS/400. Said Gerstner: "In about a month, we'll mark the 10th anniversary of the AS/400, the world's most popular midrange system. This war horse underwent a radical transformation last year. It's now completely Web-ready and it grew revenue in double digits in the first quarter." Gerstner's not the only one heaping praise on AS/400 -- the "war horse" continues to attract positive press coverage around the world with more than 80 news stories about the brand in the last four weeks. Attached are a few samples: Managers Feel Comfortable with the AS/400 ... And Now Its Equipped For Electronic Commerce (COVER STORY) - This year marks the 10-year anniversary of IBM Corp.'s AS/400. Users have witnessed the system's transformation from a tightly integrated proprietary system to one supporting client/server computing, and most recently, its role as a network server. April 1998, Manufacturing Systems. circulation: 116,000 http://www.manufacturingsystems.com/archives/1998/498arc1.htm#story 64-Bit Computing Takes Off - IBM's AS/400 division saw the benefits of adopting a 64-bit architecture throughout its product line. The AS/400 is in its third generation of 64-bit compliance, and there are 30,000 off-the-shelf applications running on it. April 20, 1998. Information Week. circulation: 325,000 http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?IWK19980420S0054 Old Breakthrough? - A letter-to-the-editor in response to an Information Week story. Database Boost" (April 6, p. 88). The writer states that IBM AS/400 customers have benefited from a pure 64-bit architecture for years. April 20, 1998, Information Week. circulation: 325,000 IBM users go ga-ga over Java on AS/400 - Java and the AS/400 was the dominant topic at the IBM Computer User Association's annual conference, held at the Belfry, Wishaw, last week. Other issues discussed at the conference included date fix problems, E-commerce and Lotus Domino. March 26, 1998, Computer Weekly. circulation: 109,000 IBM Credit Helps Small Firms Move to e-Business - IBM Credit Corp has announced new, below market rate financing for the IBM AS/400e series, as part of an ongoing initiative to help small businesses compete more effectively and leverage advanced e-business applications. April 10, 1998, Malaysia Intech, The Star circulation: n/a An Interview with Tom Jarosh: Consolidation Serves VARs Well - Thomas Jarosh, who became general manager of IBM Corp.'s AS/400 division on Nov. 4, 1997, is interviewed and discusses the market forces that make server consolidation a tremendous opportunity for VARs. April 13, 1998, VAR Business. circulation: 105,000 http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?VAR19980413S0027 Server Technology Scales To The Enterprise - IBM's AS/400 line is highlighted as traditionally being sold well in manufacturing, banking, retail, and general data environments for decision-support and data-warehouse applications, offering 170-times scalability across the entire product family. April 1998, Reseller Management. circulation: 85,000 The AS/400 Joins the Java Revolution - With the launch of OS/400 V4R2, AS/400 customers can now leverage the midrange system's scalability and stability in an open systems environment as they deploy AS/400 resources to create Java programs and run them on virtually any platform, including the Internet. Brad Day, VP and senior analyst of Giga Information Group based in Cambridge, Mass., said, "Everything about the AS/400 creates a very optimized platform to be effective as a Java Virtual Machine." April 13, 1998, Midrange Systems. circulation: 53,000 Midrange assembly proves worth - Distributors have made costly adjustments to reduce the cost of midrange systems when they moved to channel assembly. Products they assemble include IBM's AS/400. May 4, 1998, Computer Reseller News. circulation: 103,000 http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?CRN19980420S0077 Pioneer-Standard taps midrange niche - Acquisition of Dickens moves Pioneer-Standard closer to its goal of becoming IBM's highest-volume distributor. Dickens already was among the largest distributors of IBM's AS/400, RS/6000. May 4, 1998, Computer Reseller News. circulation: 103,000 http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?CRN19980504S0061 Multi-National Company Bets on Network Computing - A case study of Tulsa, Okla.-based Berendsen Fluid Power. This supplier and repairer of pneumatic and hydraulic equipment adopted IBM Network Stations connected to AS/400 servers to reduce costs and increase flexibility. This article describes the imple mentation experience. May 1998, E-Business Advisor. circulation: n/a Environment winners show sustainable strategies - IBM's AS/400e series of midrange business computers won a 1998 Edison Award for the environment. The product line demonstrates the potential of products that are "designed for the environment" to result in higher quality overall. The AS/400e line is more energy efficient, contains recycled content and is designed to be disassembled for recycling, which makes it easier to service. April 27, 1998, Marketing News. circulation: 30,000 Shop floors eye NCs for ease of use - Analysts suggest network computers are a good fit for users on manufacturing floors, and at call centers and airline ticketing offices. This is because NCs are easy to support and the users mentioned above need access to a few functions, including the World Wide Web and e-mail. Crosby Group, Inc., a $100 million chain and cable accessory manufacturer based in Tulsa, Okla., has connected 20 new IBM Network Stations to AS/400 servers to replace dumb terminals in the company's customer-service call center. April 20, 1998, Computerworld. circulation: 147,000 Cyberprise Is Healthy Addition At Memorial Healthcare - A case study of Memorial Healthcare, based in Worcester, Mass., which recently opted for an integrated web server. Administrators want to make patient data available through an easy-to-use Web site. The data is stored on a variety of systems, including UNIX, AS/400 and VAX minicomputers. April 20, 1998, Internet Week. circulation: 161,000 http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?INW19980420S0072 IBM targeting remote users with new integrated packages - IBM has announced it would start selling the company's servers, including the AS/400 midrange and RS/6000, bundled with routers and other networking gear in an attempt to be a one-stop shop for users looking to set up remote offices. April 20, 1998, Network World. circulation: 152,000 IBM's new line geared to 'Net - IBM has introduced a line of servers, workstations, personal computers and a notebook computer for businesses geared explicitly for Internet users. IBM also is focusing on "e-business" with its AS/400 business systems and servers. April 17, 1998, Post-Bulletin (Rochester, MN). circulation: 40,000 Simple Charms - Midwestern cities, such as Lincoln, Omaha, Des Moines, St. Louis and Kansas City, offer IT professionals a lower cost of living and a higher quality of life than other "glitzier" U.S. cities. IT professionals with experience in AS/400, object-oriented application, help desk/end-user support and LAN/WAN environments can garner as many as five to 10 job offers in as little as two weeks' time. April 13, 1998, Computer World. circulation: 147,000 Tracking your trades - Rand Financial, a Chicago-based commodities brokerage firm, currently allows about a dozen large institutional traders to access trading information electronically by downloading flat-file extracts from Rand Financial's AS/400-based clearing system. Using a proposed data warehousing system linked to its AS/400, Rand would enable all its customers to use the World Wide Web to get hourly updates on their trading positions. April 13, 1998, Computer World. circulation: 147,000 Resurgence of Convergence - Several companies - including Boeing, Kaiser Permanente, Qualcomm, Strong Capital Management and Station Casinos - are profiled as innovative users of convergence. Station recently finished an ATM network that connects its four Las Vegas hotels to a single IBM AS/400 system that runs the operation's accounting and purchasing applications, instead of each hotel relying on its own machine. April 13, 1998, Information Week. circulation: 325,000 IBM, SunSoft Join Hands On JavaOS for Business - IBM and SunSoft recently announced they are jointly developing JavaOS for Business, which will replace JavaOS for Network Computers. Prime Equipment Inc., in Houston has so far deployed about 700 thin clients - not based on Java - for access to AS/400 and Lotus Development Corp.'s Notes applications. April 13, 1998, PC Week. circulation: 332,000 http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/content/pcwk/1515/305891.html School construction expected in May - A new AS/400 system is being installed at the new Amery, WI, high school by Integrated Data Systems. April 7, 1998, Amery Free Press (Amery, WI). circulation: 5,500 Candy Maker Tastes Sweet Success - R.M. Palmer, a novelty chocolate manufacturer based in Reading, PA, operates in an IBM AS/400 environment, in which all pertinent customer information and order histories are kept on the midrange system at the production facility and updated on a daily basis. This enables the company to manage customer requests for stronger shipping label requirements on products received at stores and distribution centers. April 1, 1998, Automatic I.D. News. circulation: 75,000 Shifting Into The Fast Lane - Aetna Industries, a Tier One automotive supplier located near Detroit, uses an AS/400-based system to improve its just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing and delivery capabilities. The system's automated data collection (ADC) system, has increased inventory accuracy from 40% in 1992 to 98% in 1997, as well as provided immediate access to updated inventory data. April 1, 1998, Automatic I.D. News. circulation: 75,000 IBM Expands Mixed-Mode Server Lineup - IBM announced that three additional AS/400 vendors would offer their enterprise solutions on mixed-mode AS/400e custom servers. IBM has aggressive plans to expand its mixed-mode and other custom server offerings over the next two years. Enhancements in three areas were mentioned, including number of participating vendors, level of prepackaging and number of price/performance points. April 1998, AS/400 Technology Showcase. circulation: 55,000 Real World: Production Tool Supply Puts On a New Face for Its Customers - Production Tool Supply, a Warren, Michigan-based industrial equipment and supplies distributor, adopted the IBM AS/400 to run its entire business using software from Mincron Logistics to handle order entry, purchase orders and financials. April 1998, AS/400 Technology Showcase. circulation: 55,000 Into Thin Air - Canyon Independent School District (CISD) in Amarillo, Texas, contracted MicroAge Inc. in 1997 to implement the district's five-year technology plan, which would provide district-wide Internet access and establish an infrastructure that would link all campuses together, creating a flat metropolitan area network (MAN). Today, microwave systems are serving a PC-based client/server MAN, as well as providing connectivity for the district's IBM AS/400 mini-computer to all locations within the district. April 1998, Communications News. circulation: 81,000 IBM to market JBuilder/400 - Borland International, Inc. and IBM have announced a joint worldwide marketing relationship around Borland's new Java development tool for the AS/400 platform, JBuilder/400 Client/Server Suite. April 1998, Computing News & Review. circulation: 30,000 Synon Adds Java Generator To Obsydian - With the release of its Obsydian 3.0 application development tool, Synon, Inc. has added Java-generation capabilities to its model-based, client/server application development platform for IBM AS/400, Windows NT and UNIX systems. April 1998, Java Report. circulation: 17,500 J. D. Edwards Broadens Its Backbone Appeal - The AS/400 remains J.D. Edwards' strongest platform. J.D. Edwards' coexistence strategy makes it possible to keep the AS/400 as a back-end database engine and application server while migrating to a client/server environment of virtually any dimension. Lexmark International, Inc. of Lexington, KY, is highlighted for its use of J.D. Edwards' WorldSoftware running on AS/400s. April 1998, Managing Automation. circulation: 100,000 When Is Value Added? - The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) has given its Value Added Award to Atlanta-based Peach State Material Handling Equipment, Inc., which uses now-paperless tracking and labeling systems driven by an IBM AS/400 system. April 1998, Material Handling Engineering. circulation: 102,000 Midrange Vendors Need Resellers' Help - IBM is counting on reaching small to midsize business customers for its new AS/400e series servers through the channel. IBM sold about 50 percent of all midrange servers for IBM in 1997, an eight-percent increase over 1996. IBM partners should account for 58 percent of company midrange-server sales this year. April 1998, Reseller Management. circulation: 85,000 OS Wars Expand the Middle Market: VAR Profile - Pilot Program Lands Big Profits - LANSA, Inc., a Chicago, IL, IBM AS/400 VAR, recently customized J.D. Edwards applications for a large oil firm with its LANSA line of AS/400 development tools. After extensively comparing LANSA's pilot to the rival HP/Oracle pilot, the oil company gave LANSA the nod. At rollout, the system allowed employees to access information regarding benefits, pensions and career planning, as well as job postings on the corporate intranet via their browser. The system meshes the customized HR package with an existing AS/400 NT-based network. April 1998, Reseller Management. circulation: 85,000 A Police Department Increases Efficiency and Safety Using Telepartner's Wireless Solution - The Police Department in Guilford, Conn., recently completed a wireless data communications pilot program using Telepartner International's mobile computing software over cellular digital packet data (CDPD), running on the department's AS/400 system. April 1998, Telecommunications. circulation: 81,000 Rock & Roll With IT - Virgin Our Price, a brand affiliated with Virgin Records, uses AS/400 running Elvis, a bespoke version of JDA's enterprise software suite. The company has applied IT to its growth plans, introducing stock systems on AS/400 and upgrading store electronic point-of-sale (Epos) systems. This enables the company to manage and check stock online, as well as improve buying. March 19, 1998, Computer Weekly. circulation: 109,000 Jon Paris - AS/400 AD Market Support - paris@ca.ibm.com Phone: (416) 448-4019 - Fax: (416) 448-4414 +--- | This is the Midrange System Mailing List! | To submit a new message, send your mail to MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com. | To unsubscribe from this list send email to MIDRANGE-L-UNSUB@midrange.com. | Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator: david@midrange.com +---
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