jmoreno@militarycars.com wrote: > > Answer to blarkin@wt.net: > If the message gets to QHST the information regarding the > USER sending the reply is available. Good Luck. (By the way have > you received my request for the validation program for the CHGJOB command > ?) Regards...... Jorge Moreno / Military Car Sales / Woodbury / > New York I tried once, here goes again. Attached is files you need. -- Bob Larkin Larkin Computer Consulting blarkin@wt.net
*=============================================================== * To compile: * * CRTRPGPGM PGM(XXX/VCP001RG) SRCFILE(XXX/QRPGSRC) * *=============================================================== * * PURPOSE * Validity check program for the CHGJOB command * The RUNPTY (run priority parameter) and TIMESLICE * parameters are checked. If the are changed, it is * logged to the CHGJOBLG file. * * The user profile of the job being changed will also * be checked if the the LOGLVL or LOGCLPGM parameters * are changed. They may not be changed for jobs running * in FIRECALL mode. * * IMPLEMENTATION * If a PARM is not specified on the CHGJOB command * a null parameter is passed. When the program * attempts to reference a null pointer, an exception * is detected which is handled by the program status * data structure. A flag is then set to prevent checking * of that parameter again. This is done to prevent * looping, because the *PSSR routine will return * control to the top of the Detail Calcs. * *=============================================================== FTSCHGJOBO E DISK UC *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 * Error code data structure for API's IERR IDS I I 16 B 1 40BIN1 I B 5 80BIN2 I 9 15 MSGID I 16 16 FILLER * Call stacker counter I IDS I B 1 40STKCTR I B 5 80DTALEN * Job Information I DS I 1 26 JOBINF I 1 10 JOBNAM I 11 20 JOBUSR I 21 26 JOBNUM I DS I B 1 20BINRY2 I 1 2 BIN2A I DS I B 1 40BINRY4 I 1 4 BIN4A * Time/Date Fields I DS I 1 140CHAR14 I 1 6 @TIME I 7 8 @MM I 9 10 @DD I 7 10 @MMDD I 11 14 @YEAR * Qualified Message IMSGFLB IDS I I 'QCPFMSG' 1 10 MSGF I I '*LIBL' 11 20 MSGFL *=============================================================== I*Prototype for calling Retrieve Job Information API (QUSRJOBI) *=============================================================== IQJIFMT DS I B 1 40LEN *=============================================================== I*Record structure for QUSRJOBI JOBI0100 format *=============================================================== IQUSD0 DS I* Qwc JOBI0100 I B 1 40QUSD0B I* Bytes Return I B 5 80QUSD0C I* Bytes Avail I 9 18 QUSD0D I* Job Name I 19 28 QUSD0F I* User Name I 29 34 QUSD0G I* Job Number I 35 50 QUSD0H I* Int Job ID I 51 60 QUSD0J I* Job Status I 61 61 QUSD0K I* Job Type I 62 62 QUSD0L I* Job Subtype I 63 64 QUSD0M I* Reserved I B 65 680QUSD0N I* Run Priority I B 69 720QUSD0P I* Time Slice I B 73 760QUSD0Q I* Default Wait I 77 86 QUSD0R *=============================================================== * * FIRECALL - Cannot Change Logging Level Message I '0000Message Logging -C MSG06 I 'cannot be changed fo- I 'r a job whose user i- I 's in FIRECALL Mode. ' * * FIRECALL - Cannot Change CL Logging Message I '0000Log CL Program c-C MSG07 I 'annot be changed for- I ' a job whose user is- I ' in FIRECALL mode. ' * * Named Constant I 'Run Priority' C RUNPTY I 'Time Slice ' C TIMSLC * * BINARY TO DECIMAL CONVERSION IXDS IDS I B 1 20X I 2 2 XX * * Log Level Breakout IX06DS IDS I 1 6 XX06 I 1 2 X06A I 3 3 LEVEL I 4 5 SEV I 6 6 TXT * Call Stack Entry Type * Program status data structure I SDS I* Exception number I 43 46 ENUM *=============================================================== * This is the list of all possible parms from the CHGJOB * command. Only the parms we ar testing are passed from the * CL driver program. These are included for documentation * and/or future use. ** Documentation ** PARM PARM01 26 JOB/USER/NBR ** Documentation ** PARM PARM02 20 JobQ ** Documentation ** Name/Lib ** Documentation ** *SAME ** Documentation ** PARM PARM03 1 JOBPTY ** Documentation ** number ** Documentation ** * ** Documentation ** PARM PARM04 1 OUTPTY ** Documentation ** number ** Documentation ** * ** Documentation ** PARM PARM05 10 PrtTxt ** Documentation ** char ** Documentation ** *SAME ** Documentation ** PARM PARM06 6 LogLvl ** Documentation ** PARM PARM07 1 LogClPgm ** Documentation ** Y - Yes ** Documentation ** N - No ** Documentation ** * - SaMme ** Documentation ** PARM PARM08 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM09 7 BrkMsg ** Documentation ** *NOTIFY ** Documentation ** ** Documentation ** ** Documentation ** PARM PARM10 10 StsMsg ** Documentation ** *USRPRF ** Documentation ** *SYSVAL ** Documentation ** *NONE ** Documentation ** *NORMAL ** Documentation ** *SAME ** Documentation ** PARM PARM11 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM12 10 PrtDev ** Documentation ** *SAME ** Documentation ** *USRPRF ** Documentation ** *SYSVAL ** Documentation ** *WRKSTN ** Documentation ** name ** Documentation ** PARM PARM13 20 OutQ ** Documentation ** *SAME ** Documentation ** name ** Documentation ** PARM PARM14 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM15 7 ScdDate ** Documentation ** PARM PARM16 6 ScdTime ** Documentation ** PARM PARM17 7 Date ** Documentation ** 0 -same ** Documentation ** PARM PARM18 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM19 1 DatSep ** Documentation ** / - / ** Documentation ** - - - ** Documentation ** . - . ** Documentation ** , - , ** Documentation ** * - *same ** Documentation ** x'00'-Sysval ** Documentation ** x'40'-blank ** Documentation ** PARM PARM20 10 TimSep ** Documentation ** / - / ** Documentation ** - - - ** Documentation ** . - . ** Documentation ** , - , ** Documentation ** * - *same ** Documentation ** x'00'-Sysval ** Documentation ** x'40'-blank ** Documentation ** PARM PARM21 8 JobSwitches ** Documentation ** PARM PARM22 2 Runpty ** Documentation ** number(1-99) ** Documentation ** X'00'-*same ** Documentation ** PARM PARM23 4 TimeSlice ** Documentation ** PARM PARM24 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM25 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM26 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM27 14 DevRcyAcn ** Documentation ** PARM PARM28 7 TSEPool ** Documentation ** PARM PARM29 7 PrtKeyFmt ** Documentation ** PARM PARM30 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM31 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM32 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM33 10 ** Documentation ** PARM PARM34 10 DupJobOpt ** Documentation ** PARM PARM35 10 *=============================================================== C *ENTRY PLIST C PARM PARM01 26 JOB/USER/NBR C PARM PARM06 6 LogLvl C PARM PARM07 1 LogClPgm * Y - Yes * N - No * * - SaMme C PARM PARM22 2 Runpty * number(1-99) * X'00'-*same C PARM PARM23 4 TimeSlice C PARM MSGDTA * * Determine the Job being changed C @PRM01 IFNE *ON C EXSR #PRM01 C ENDIF * * Test for change in logging level (LOGLVL) C @PRM06 IFNE *ON C EXSR #PRM06 C ENDIF * * Test for change in log CL Program Command (LOGCLPGM) C @PRM07 IFNE *ON C EXSR #PRM07 C ENDIF * * Test for change in Run Priority (RUNPTY) C @PRM22 IFNE *ON C EXSR #PRM22 C ENDIF * * Test for change in Timeslice (TIMESLICE) C @PRM23 IFNE *ON C EXSR #PRM23 C ENDIF * C MOVE *ON *INLR C RETRN /EJECT *=============================================================== C #PRM01 BEGSR C MOVE *ON @PRM01 1 * * Retrieve information about the Job C CLEARJOBINF C MOVELPARM01 JOBINF C ENDSR *=============================================================== C #PRM06 BEGSR C MOVE *ON @PRM06 1 * * Break out the characters in the LogLvl parm C CLEARXX06 C MOVE PARM06 XX06 C MOVE *BLANKS MSGDTA 80 * C EXSR RTVJI C MOVE 'N' #FIREC 1 FIRECALL FLAG C CALL 'TSCHKPRF' C PARM CJUSR C PARM #FIREC * * In Firecall Mode, changes to Logging Level are not allowed. C #FIREC IFEQ 'Y' * * The Following line will test to see if Log Level has been * changed. C LEVEL IFNE '*' C LEVEL ANDNE'4' C MOVELMSG06 MSGDTA P C ELSE * * The Following line will test to see if Severity filter value * has been changed. X'FFFE' and X'0000' indicate no change or * *SAME used for this parameter. C SEV IFNE X'FFFE' C SEV ANDNEX'0000' C MOVELMSG06 MSGDTA P C ELSE * * The Following line will test to see if Message Text Level * value has been changed. '*' indicates no change and 'S' i * Indicates that *SAME was used for this parameter. C TXT IFNE 'S' C TXT ANDNE'*' C MOVELMSG06 MSGDTA P C ENDIF C ENDIF C ENDIF * C ENDIF * C ENDSR /EJECT *=============================================================== C #PRM07 BEGSR C MOVE *ON @PRM07 1 * * The Following line will test to see if RUNPTY was passed * was passed. C PARM07 IFNE 'Y' C PARM07 ANDNE'*' * * Check to see if profile in FireCall mode C EXSR RTVJI C MOVE 'N' #FIREC 1 FIRECALL FLAG C CALL 'TSCHKPRF' C PARM CJUSR C PARM #FIREC * * In Firecall Mode, changes to Logging Level are not allowed. C #FIREC IFEQ 'Y' * * Set return message data for calling program C MOVELMSG07 MSGDTA P C ENDIF * C ENDIF * C ENDSR /EJECT *=============================================================== C #PRM22 BEGSR C MOVE *ON @PRM22 1 * * Convert character to binary thru data structure C MOVE PARM22 BIN2A * * If program gets here then the program status subroutine was * not evoked, because a RUNPTY was passed to the validity * checking program * * Log the change in Run Priority * C BINRY2 IFNE *ZERO C MOVELRUNPTY ACTION 20 C Z-ADDBINRY2 DEC2 20 C MOVE DEC2 ACTION C EXSR RTVJI C MOVELACTION CJACT C EXSR WRTLOG C ENDIF C ENDSR /EJECT *=============================================================== C #PRM23 BEGSR C MOVE *ON @PRM23 1 * * Convert character to binary thru data structure C MOVE PARM23 BIN4A * * If program gets here then the program status subroutine was * not evoked, because a TIMESLICE was passed to the validity * checking program * * Log the change in Timeslice if job's current timeslice (QUSD0P) * is not equal to the requested Timeslice (BINRY4). Command * processor appears to be inconsistent, because sometimes a * zero is passed if the Timeslice parm is not filled in. Other * times the jobs current Timeslice is passed. That is why the * parameter passed also must by greater than zero. * C BINRY4 IFNE QUSD0P C BINRY4 ANDNE*ZERO C MOVELTIMSLC ACTION 20 C Z-ADDBINRY4 DEC7 70 C MOVE DEC7 ACTION C EXSR RTVJI C MOVELACTION CJACT C EXSR WRTLOG C ENDIF C ENDSR /EJECT *=============================================================== C RTVJI BEGSR C #RTVJI IFNE *ON * *Retrieve current job info C Z-ADD86 LEN C MOVEL'*' QUALJB 26 C MOVE *BLANKS INTJBI 16 C MOVEL'JOBI0100'APIFMT 8 C CALL 'QUSRJOBI' C PARM QUSD0 C PARM LEN C PARM APIFMT Job name C PARM QUALJB C PARM INTJBI * C MOVELQUSD0D CJBJOB C MOVELQUSD0F CJBUSR C MOVELQUSD0G CJBNBR * * If the JOBNAM is not *, the job being changed is contained in * the JOBINF Data Structure, otherwise, load the current job * information we just retrieved. C JOBNAM IFNE '*' C MOVELJOBNAM CJJOB C MOVELJOBUSR CJUSR C MOVELJOBNUM CJNBR * * Retrieve target job's info. We may need Timeslice value. C MOVELJOBINF QUALJB 26 C CALL 'QUSRJOBI' C PARM QUSD0 C PARM LEN C PARM APIFMT Job name C PARM QUALJB C PARM INTJBI * C ELSE C MOVELQUSD0D CJJOB C MOVELQUSD0F CJUSR C MOVELQUSD0G CJNBR C ENDIF * C MOVE *ON #RTVJI 1 SR Already Run C ENDIF C ENDSR /EJECT *=============================================================== C WRTLOG BEGSR C TIME CHAR14 140 Work Field C MOVELCHAR14 CJCTIM C MOVEL@YEAR CJCDAT C MOVE @MMDD CJCDAT C OPEN TSCHGJOB C WRITECHGJOBR C CLOSETSCHGJOB C ENDSR /EJECT *=============================================================== C *PSSR BEGSR * C PSRFLG IFEQ '1' * If *PSSR is already handling error and then receives another * set on H1 and return. C MOVE *ON *INH1 C RETRN C ELSE C MOVE '1' PSRFLG 1 C ENUM IFEQ '3601' C MOVE *ON ER3601 1 * C ENDIF C ENDIF * Reset *PSSR error flag at exit of routine C MOVE '0' PSRFLG * C ENDSR'*DETC' * *===============================================================
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