× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I'm resending this since I incorrectly replied to the message;
...and my response to him...

So far all of the outscourced code that has been written for my company
has been so poorly written that we have been feverishly working to
rewrite it.
I said nothing about outsourcing. We're a family owned USA-based private
company. Have we been approached by outsourcers to use them as our
"backend"? Sure. Have we accepted? No! Outsourcing can work, I have no
doubt there are smart Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Chinese, etc. But
like any large project it's got to be planned, managed, overseen and
monitored. Most outsourcing attempts don't do that.
The consulting company that was brought in for the last project used
H1B programmers.
There's always that implied accusation that foreign H1B workers are
somehow cheaper than their American counterparts. Sure, I guess anyone
can underpay anyone. I'm sure there are American workers getting paid
less than minimum wage too, but like that, paying H1Bs less than the
prevailing wage for the geographically appropriate region is illegal.
Heck, we even have to agree to pay their transport out of the country if
we terminate them.
The biggest offenders of this practice seems to be New York based
Can't say for sure, but probably because we're also such a huge
employment market. Hell, we (NY Employers) are expected to spend more
then 7 Billion on Vista related services alone this year. 
I would advise job hunters to avoid the New York area for employment.
OK, so if I understand it correctly, your advise to those that can't
find a job is to avoid an area that has jobs and instead complain about
the lack of jobs? 
So stick that in your pipe Mr. Leverich.
Personally I prefer a cigar, but if it's got the right tobacco...

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