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Your question:

I am looking at possibly using some MI process instructions and it seems a
lot of them require "address of process control space system pointer" as an
input parameter.  I am trying to figure out how does one obtain this pointer
to "another" job (i.e. not my job issuing the MI request).

How does one get this address by having the job information only

BTW, not sure if it matters, but I plan to use C's interface to MI to do
this work.


How to get a system pointer to another process than your own process is
obtained either by walking the WCBT tables, or (easier) by searching the
system index, per the information in Leif's book, chapter nine.  My machine
did not implement this machine table (QWCBT_JOB_INDEX, I think it is
called), so I had to walk the work control block tables "manually".  If I
remember the details right, if you have your system at security level 40 or
greater, you will not be able to get a pointer to processes other than to
your own.  But, probably there are ways around this via SST and similar
tricks.  I haven't gotten into that part of MI.

I have found calling MI instructions as "procedures" from RPG is fraught
with frustration.  Even when you prototype the instruction correctly, at run
time it doesn't always work (at least on the versions of OS I have worked
with.  I suspect calling directly from C would work better though.  You can
always code it directly in MI.

Rich Hart

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