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Yes you can select any one you want.  I was looking at the visa network
side. Where they cannot transmit pin numbers where you can read them.  They
must be encrypted with DES and a variant against an XOR with a Master key
and an Communication key to derive the pin number from its encrypted state.

This is what I got lost with. I found the encrypt program which does DES
very well, and the Xor working, with the convert hex to character and back
looks like all the pieces I need to do it. Now I need to find the order it
is done.  I know there are a lot smarter people on this listing than me,
where I thought someone has ventured where no man has gone before.  Before I
kill what few brain cells I have left trying to figure this out, I was
lookin' and askin' if someone has blazed this trail before.

It has been awful quiet, so I do not think this sparks interest like
fast400.  Interesting enough one of IBM's answer to Fast400 is their Green
Peace, Green Space or Green somethin' promotion.


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