× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

This might be a start for you. I used this SQL to create a view to attach to the item revision file with the standard hours summed from the routing file.

sum(dec(case when sucsz = 0 then 0
when tbcod = 'M' then sulhr/60/sucsz else sulhr/sucsz
+ dec(case when tbcod = 'H' then runmc else 0 end,10,5)
as StdSetupHours,
sum(dec(g.stdqt*(DLEN1*DCAP1+DLEN2*DCAP2+DLEN3*DCAP3)/(MAX(DCAP1,DCAP2,DCAP3)) ,20,5))
as StdQueueHours,
when runmc = 0 then 0
when tbcod = 'C' then 0
when tbcod = 'P' then
when tbcod = 'M' then
when tbcod = '' then
when tbcod = '1' then
when tbcod = '2' then
when tbcod = '3' then
when tbcod = '4' then
(1000)*runmc/10000 else 0
end,20,5) )
as StdRunHoursPer1000Foot,
sum(dec(case when sucsz = 0 then 0
when tbcod = 'M' then sulhr/60/sucsz else sulhr/sucsz
+ dec(case when tbcod = 'H' then runmc else 0 end/(DLEN1*DCAP1+DLEN2*DCAP2+DLEN3*DCAP3)/(MAX(DCAP1,DCAP2,DCAP3)),10,5)
as StdSetupDays,
sum(g.stdqt )
as StdQueueDays,
when runmc = 0 then 0
when tbcod = 'C' then 0
when tbcod = 'P' then
when tbcod = 'M' then
when tbcod = '' then
when tbcod = '1' then
when tbcod = '2' then
when tbcod = '3' then
when tbcod = '4' then
(1000)*runmc/10000 else 0
as StdRunDaysPer1000Foot

from amflib.itmrva A join amflib.itmrel H on A.stid = H.stid and A.itnbr = H.itnbr and A.itrv = H.itrv
join amflib.itmprc B on A.stid = B.stid and A.itnbr = B.itnbr and A.itrv = B.itrv
join amflib.rtghdr C on B.stid = C.stid and B.rtid = C.rtid and B.rtvr = C.rtvr
join amflib.rtgopr D on C.stid = D.stid and C.rtid = D.rtid and C.rtvr = D.rtvr
join amflib.facmst G on D.wkctr = G.wkctr
where a.itcls in ('100','110')

This could then be used in a recursive CTE to traverse the BOM and get top level and bottom level hours. If you want an example of this let me know. I can't seem to find it right now.

-Tom Stieger
IT Manager
California Fine Wire

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Connie Webb
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:04 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] Total labor hours per assembly

We need the labor hours that are associated with the top level and lower levels dollars that are broken out in ITMRVB (ITEMASB). Has anyone developed a program to do this?

Connie Webb | Database Administrator | 540.387.5600 x272 Graham-White Manufacturing Co.<http://www.grahamwhite.com/> | Providing Reliable Transportation Solutions℠

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