There have been a lot of questions about the upcoming Inforum conference. Because we had the Nashville conference six months ago, some people have wondered if there is a reason to go to Denver. This writeup should give you many reasons to go.
New Sessions - this isn't a rehash of Nashville, it's better
- XA Release 10 scope and planned schedule will be unveiled at Inforum
- Enterprise General Ledger for i will be live with IFM, you can see it at the conference
- Infor 10 Workspace will be live with XA
- Infor 10 ION will be live with XA
- XA 9.1 will be available and you will be able to see it live
-IDF Report Writer
-Environment replication
-CRMi version 3
-Procurement Management UI uplift and multi-source enhancements
- SupplyWEB will be live with ION integration, so you can see it in action
- EAM will be live with ION integration, so you can see a real demo of this product with XA as well
- Industry sessions - we talked about this in Nashville, but in Denver you will see what it specifically means to XA customers and our development direction
- XA Performance - in addition to the classic Dave Colvin tuning presentation, new performance initiatives will be announced
- XA in the Cloud - we talked about this at Nashville, now we are up and running with this - with more to come in 2012
- Global Deployment - with environment replication, EGLi, Material Logistics, the completion of EPDM, user language changes, and other items - we are now ready to properly deploy global environments - we'll show you what we recommend
- Some surprises from the lab - we aren't telling you yet what they are - you have to come to Inforum to find out
We've also kept the classics
- XA roadmap, updated for Infor 10, XA 9.1, XA release 10, IBM OS 5.4, etc.
- IDF training - IDF basics and Enterprise Integrator basics. Also System-Link and replacing offline loads
- XA Round table, now called "Informally XA" - face to face with Robert Russell, myself and some key Development staff - everything is on the table
Executives are also getting sessions designed for them. Not just the IT execs, but the CFO and others
- Infor and System i keynote session
- Industry vertical strategy session
- IBM keynote session - the topic is "On Shoring" - the reversal of the offshoring trend. Ari Kugler from IBM will present, this is big news for executives
- Two executive IDF sessions - have you ever had trouble explaining to executives why they should care about IDF and Infor applications? We'll present the benefits in their terms so they see the light
The executive track is compressed into Monday, so the executives can make it a one day event if they wish. Or they can stay for other sessions - CFOs probably want to take a look at EGLi, and maybe at global deployment. Other execs may want to stay for the XA specific version of the industry vertical strategy - what does it mean to an XA customer...
Infor Applications - lots more sessions
At Nashville, we had one or two sessions on Infor applications like SupplyWEB. In Denver, there will be full tracks on the various products - SupplyWEB, EAM, F9, CPM, SalesForce, etc. You can do a real deep dive at Inforum if these products are on your radar.
Conference within a Conference
The System i conference will be across the street from the main exhibit hall. We get our own space, but get to share in main tent Inforum events and product tracks. No more getting buried in the big Inforum.
We have Expo space dedicated to System i that you can actually find. Unlike past Inforums, we will be clearly labeled in our own area. But still part of the overall Expo - so you can easily stroll over to look at other Infor products of interest.
Inforum 2013
Going forward, we will not have our separate System I conferences as in the past. We will be a conference within a conference at Inforum. That means the next full System i conference is in April 2013. Unless you want to wait until then, you need to go to Inforum 2012!
Show Your Support
We are very grateful for the support and enthusiasm for the System i conferences the last two years. There was great turnout and wonderful customer feedback. This is a fantastic user community, and always a pleasure to work with.
We need to show our support and enthusiasm one more time. Infor executives saw how effective the Nashville conference was - we need to show them we can do it again inside Inforum. The more we show this year, the better it is for next year.
We look forward to seeing you at Inforum in Denver!
Ross Freeman | Product Manager - ERP XA, ThruPut and ERP KBM | Infor | cell: +1 404-386-5684 |ross.freeman@xxxxxxxxx
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