× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Generally speaking, when you are referring to PTFs and green screen MAPICS,
the users typically do NOT notice changes from PTFs, (unless the PTF is to
fix something that isn't working right for a user).  For the most part,
when I apply a CUM CD, the users don't even notice.  The exception is when
a CUM fixes something that a user was trying to do that didn't work as

I personally find that it is wise to keep up to date on CUM CDs (Cumulative
PTF releases).  It makes it easier for MAPICS Support to work with me on
problems, issues, and questions.  I usually am NOT the first person to
apply a CUM, but I don't wait too long.  I watch this tread to see if
people complain about a bad release (it's been quite a while since that
happened), and if I don't see any comments, I either ask the question or
just apply it.

Note:  This does NOT apply to MAPICS Browser releases.  How I handle those
is I have a guinea pig in Engineering that is a power user, and he puts the
new ones on, and if it doesn't mess him up in a week or so, then we release
it for general installation.  I have found that it's wisest to test the
Browser build releases before general installation.  Browser builds are
apparently a LOT harder to QA check than standard MAPICS PTFs.

Now that I've mentioned it, has anyone found any difficulties with XA/R6
PTF 4776?  I haven't seen any comments on this thread.  I'm at 4140 with
several "in between" PTFs to clean up some OFFSHIP issues, and would like
to upgrade the rest of the way.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
Somerset, PA

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