× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hello *,

we are successfully using tn5250 for accessing our AS/400 from 70 
Linux-Clients for more than 3 years now. Quite everything works fine, but 
there is always a little fight between the AS/400 programmers, who prefer 
ClientAccess, and the rest of the IT department, who prefers tn5250.

Well, the programmers raised a problem: They programmed date input fieds in 
their application and used some sort of mask, so that users only need to type 
the numbers and the cursor jumps accross the dots "." (it would be a slash in 
english speaking countries, e.g. 04/03/2005 or 04.03.2005).

The corresponding code on the AS/400 side is

        EDTCODE(Y) EDTMASK('  &  &    ')

Unfortenately it works perfectly with ClientAccess, but using tn5250 the 
cursor doesn't jump across the mask characters ("." or "/"). Instead it 
positions directly on the dot, so users have to move the cursor manually to 
the right to continue entering the date.

Does anyone has an idea, what the problem is? Is this a bug in tn5250? Is 
there a clever way to change to code on AS/400 side? Any help would be 

Please don't let the programmers (and ClientAccess) win... ;-)

Thanks in advance.

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