× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hey everyone,

I'm having trouble with getting tn5250_session_save_screen() to do what I
need.  When a CREATE WINDOW Structured Field order is received, it is
removed from the stream but not placed into the screen buffer.  When a
SAVE SCREEN order is received I need to put any windows (and other GUI
elements) back into the stream, either by using
tn5250_buffer_append_byte() or having one of the various functions in
wtd.c do it.  I've experimented with tn5250_buffer_append_byte() in
session.c but so so far the results aren't very good, primarily because I
need to insert the GUI information at the correct Set Buffer Address
location (which wtd.c seems to do magically).  I tried making a completely
new WTD order to put the GUI info in but that hasn't worked out too well.

Before spending a bunch more time on something that may be totally wrong I
felt I should ask where the right location for this inserting of GUI data
is, tn5250_session_save_screen() or (most likely)
tn5250_wtd_context_convert_nosrc()?  If the latter, how do I know what the
current buffer address is so that I can insert the window information
correctly?  Would it work to append a WTD order to the end of the existing
WTD order and put into the appended order just the GUI data?

James Rich

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rira jbefr, vs lbh cynl vg sbejneq, vg vafgnyyf gurve fbsgjner!
        -- Fcbgvphf ba /.

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