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Hi there,

I'm implementing linux as desktop in the firm I work and tn5250 is my
friend, so thank you to all the people spend their time on it.

I use the latest cvs, and I have the following problem:

I'd like to have lp5250d started upon boot, so I write a simple init
script for it that basically do /usr/local/bin/lp5250d sessionname, I
have a shared /usr/local on client machines so the
/usr/local/etc/tn5250rc is centralized, btw the lp5250d starts, but when
I send a job to that printer from the as400 app it reach the demon, it
say Job Complete in the logs and it silently die.
The next time I run lp5250d it works correctly.
I believe the configuration is corrects, btw it is:

        host =
        env.DEVNAME = nricx006p
        env.IBMMFRTYPMDL = *EPFX1170
        outputcommand = scs2ascii | lpr -P lp0

The printer connected to the client is an epson lineprinter using the
CUPS system. The distribution is a mandrake 8.2 with their heavly
patched 2.4.18 kernel. (Uhm...apropos, the backspace key in xt5250 is
not working, tried to play with terminfo file, but without success, any

thank you for your time

Lapo Calamandrei - l_calamandrei@neri-group.com
IT Manager
Neri S.p.A. - www.nerispa.it - info@neri-group.com
Via del Pian della Fonda, 6
50031 Barberino di Mugello - FI - Italy
tel. 055841911 fax. 0558416731

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