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all parms for ProgramCall etc. are byte[] and you would have to convert your java vars to this binary stuff by the conevrsion routines of jtopen. For conveniance reasons, I use the Converter class, I mentioned in my last post. For the first var you would need abean like mentioned (you would find some of these here: https://sourceforge.net/p/appserver4rpg/codeSVN/HEAD/tree/appserver4rpg/src/de/bender_dv/ardgate/pords2pojo/ .

These beans could be written rather quick:
- define the private vars of the bean
- let Eclipse generate only the needed setXXX and getXXX methods
-- if the structure is used as input, you would need set methods for each element and a get method for the binary huddle
-- if it is coming back from the api call, you would need a set method for the binary huddle and getters for all components
- change the implementation of the generated methods
You will find some inspiration in the pords2pojo package of ArdGate.


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