Thanks Rob (and Jim O. )
(Rob) In this specific case, I don't think the issue is Java 6. The
issue is that I set JAVA_HOME to
"/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk71/32bit" in my .profile and I get
the error on my 7.1 partition that I don't see on my 7.2 partition
although the .profiles are essentially the same.
In SSH when connected to my 7.2 partition 'which java' returns
'/usr/bin/java' which is what I would expect. When I check the binary
for the symbolic link it shows:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 qsys 0 62 Jan 23 2015 /usr/bin/java
-> /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/bin/java
java -version returns:
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pap3270_27sr3fp10-20150708_01(SR3
IBM J9 VM (build 2.7, JRE 1.7.0 OS/400 ppc-32
jvmap3270_27sr3fp10-20150708_01 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - R27_Java727_SR3_20150630_2236_B255653
JIT - tr.r13.java_20150623_94888.01
GC - R27_Java727_SR3_20150630_2236_B255653
J9CL - 20150630_255653)
JCL - 20150628_01 based on Oracle jdk7u85-b15
So all is well on my 7.2 partition.
On the 7.1 partition in SSH when I run 'which java' I see
'/usr/bin/java' which is exactly what I should see and matches the 7.2
partition. But when I check the symbolic links for /usr/bin/java I see this
lrwxrwxrwx 1 qsys 0 74 May 6 2011 /usr/bin/java
-> /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Java400/ext/java
The "ext" folder at the end is the problem. I have no idea why, on my
7.1 partition, the symbolic link points there! There aren't any binary
files in that folder! And thus I get the error when I type in java -version:
bash-4.2$ java -version
/usr/bin/java: line 13: /QSYS.LIB/QJVATOOLS.PGM: Permission denied
/usr/bin/java: line 13: /QSYS.LIB/QJVATOOLS.PGM: Error 0
I discovered I can fix it with a hack: Add
"/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk71/32bit/bin" to the beginning of my
PATH statement so it will find the correct executable, but I shouldn't
have to do that and besides, the symbolic link is completely wrong and
(Jim O) I wondered about malware or virus and I have seen the new
security updates on Java but I don't *think* that is the issue but I
plan to investigate.
Pete Helgren
GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java
LinkedIn -
Twitter - Sys_i_Geek IBM_i_Geek
On 7/21/2016 6:24 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
The question becomes, do you really need Java 6? I'm guessing at 7.1 you
probably do because many of the OS stuff (perhaps the web version of
Navigator) probably requires it. At 7.3 you won't have it.
One nuclear option is to bring the system into restricted state.
DLTLICPGM the Java 6 options.
Reinstall them from IBM media.
Reapply cume and Java PTF group.
I did do some testing at 7.2 to see what really needed JDK 6 knowing that
it was disappearing at 7.3. At that time I did the following while not in
restricted state:
SAVLICPGM the Java 6 options to save files.
DLTLICPGM the Java 6 options.
RSTLICPGM the Java 6 options.
Of course, in your case, you are not going to want to install from a save
of bad data so use the IBM media for the RSTLICPGM.
Rob Berendt
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