I am having some issue with QTEMP and how java jobs
are created, it would be great help if some one can
explain what am i missing, Here is the flow of my
1, submit a java job from CL using SBMJOB command
2, I have 3 jobs in my subsystem (I have created a
subsystem to run the jobs in)
MAPS6304F3 (Job name for my Java job)
3, I create a AS400 object as
new AS400("localhost", "*CURRENT", "*CURRENT");
4, I create a CommandCall Object in Java and run
cmd.run("CHGLIBL LIBL(" + liblList.trim() + ")");
5, This creates a new Job under QUSRWRK subsystem( i
dont know why) and runs the command there
6, Then i issue command
cmd.run("CRTMSGQ QTEMP/" + as400.getUserId());
7, this creates a Message Queue in Job QP0ZSPWP and
not the job created in QUSRWRK, (Dont know Why)
8, create a PCML object and call RPG program,
Job created in QUSRWRK is used.
9, I try to get message from Message queue created in
QTEMP, i get error MessageQueue not found.
This is driving me crazy, can some one point me what
am i missing?
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