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    Hi Michael,

    To add to Bruce's comments:

does anyone know where I can get good
reference manuals for the methods.

    The most relevant and up to date method reference is always going to be
the java.sql and javax.sql* package descriptions in the JDK's API
Specification documentation.

    The only book I know that *really* covers everything - in terms of
methods, not necessarily how to do things - is the "JDBC API Tutorial and
Reference".  See :


    Unfortunately, the latest edition is at JDBC 3.0 and written in 2003.
It does have information that's difficult to get anywhere elese, but in
general it's mostly for diehards like me.

    The JDBC Technology Guide is available from:


That's one page Bruce mentioned.  The technology guide amounts to excerpts
from "JDBC API Tutorial and Reference" and is really worth reading.

    There are lots of tutorials out there.  I'll mention my own, "JDBC 2.0
Fundamentals" at:


That's mostly because I'm wonderful, of course ( joke, everyone, see a
smiley ) but also because all of the examples were tested against DB2/400.
The downside is that it's been out a while and covers only JDBC 2.0.

that a record exists on a different machine.
 If exists(stmt.executeQuery)

    I'm not sure what you're mixing above, but Statement.executeQuery()
returns a ResultSet, not a boolean.  Unless you did it as a stored procedure
that returned an OUT parameter, you'll need to do

    if( myResultSet.next() );

You always get a ResultSet; it may or may not contain anything.  Generally,
I'd probably use something like:

    SELECT 1
    WHERE uniqueKey= the Value

assuming there's an index over uniqueKey.  In theory the DBMS engine should
be smart enough to see that no table value is returned and only check the
index using the WHERE clause.  That should be portable.  Since you reference
"top", I expect the remote machine is not using DB2; you may want to check
other suggestions, although I still expect my suggestion is as fast as
anything given a reasonably smart optimizer.


                                                         Joe Sam

Joe Sam Shirah -        http://www.conceptgo.com
conceptGO       -        Consulting/Development/Outsourcing
Java Filter Forum:       http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/
Just the JDBC FAQs: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JDBC
Going International?    http://www.jguru.com/faq/I18N
Que Java400?            http://www.jguru.com/faq/Java400

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Jin" <brucej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Java Programming on and around the iSeries / AS400"
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: JDBC help

JDBC Api reference:

JDBC basics: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/

Michael_Schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm just getting started with JDBC, does anyone know where I can get
reference manuals for the methods.

While I have your attention, I want to write a procedure that will
that a record exists on a different machine.  I already have a procedure
that returns records back to the iSeries.

I was thinking that it would look something like this...

stmt = "select * from table";
If exists(stmt.executeQuery) { return true;}
else {return false;}

If that doesn't work, I'd imagine that I could just say     select top 1
from table   then check   rs.next

I'm just looking for the best performance on getting data from this
external machine.  Please advise...

Michael Schutte
Admin Professional
Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
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