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"McCully, Keith (RBS Insurance)" wrote:
I'd like to track the logic when called from RPG by adding some
System.out.println markers so my question is: how can I view this output?

I don't want a screen break to the Java shell but would like the output
redirected to a file which could be either a QSYS physical file or a text
file in the IFS. If possible I'd prefer redirection by an override in the
job environment rather than amending Java source but can do that if now
other way.

The easiest way to see the output is to call your RPG program in batch;
the output will go to a QPRINT printer file.

If you need this to be done when you call your RPG program in an
interactive job, you _can_ do it without changing your Java code (see
below).  But it might be easier in the long run to write a logging class
that you can direct to either System.out or some file or even turn off
completely.  Then instead of System.out.println(whatever), you can just
code log(whatever).

No matter how you do it, if you do any I/O in Java called from RPG, you
might have to do a bit extra on the RPG side.  See step 4 below.

Here's the steps to see System.out.println output in methods called by
RPG, without making any changes in the Java code:

1. You set the os400.stdout property to indicate which file you want. 
   in your SystemDefaults.properties file or
   in your QIBM_RPG_JAVA_PROPERTIES environment variable.

2. You set the QIBM_USE_DESCRIPTOR_STDIO environment variable to 'Y'

3. You have to do steps 1 and 2 before the JVM is started in your job.

4. You might also have to do something else in your RPG code.  See this
entire thread in the MIDRANGE-L archives:

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