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Hi Jim,

I've used the following to batch print IFS pdf files: 

PrintPdf java program:
1. Developed and installed a Java program (JDK1.4) on a 
PC/pc server which listen to an iSeries dtaq. 
2. The java program receives the pdf file name, printer 
name, copies, collate on/off and input tray from the dtaq. 
3. The java program creates a PS file with PJL (Printer Job 
Language with copies, collate and input tray), converts the 
pdf file to PS (free sw PDFTOPS.EXE) and merge the 2 files 
into a .PS file. 
4.Then use JDK1.4 print utility to print the PS file to the 
(received from dtaq) printer name.  

iSeries rpg/clp:
1. Send the print parameters to the dtaq.

I tried first to do all this on the iSeries, but could not 
get the PDFTOPS.EXE program to run on the iSeries.
So that's why I had to install the java program on a PC or a 
PC server. I hope that there will be a PDF print service in 
a future JDK.


Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 16:06:44 -0400
From: "Jim McLean" <Jim.McLean@xxxxxxxxxx> Add To Address 
Subject: Re: Printing PDFs to iSeries Printers 
To: Java Programming on and around the iSeries / AS400 

Thanks for the info David. 

As far as the TIFF -> PDF, I am currently using iText and it 
does a fine 
job.  Also, I am fine with writing something in 1.4 if it 
will do what I'm 
looking for. 

How can I print a PDF directly to an iSeries attached 
printer?  Can you 
give me some more details on how to accomplish this? 

As far as Java print services go, it seems that printing 
PDFs is not yet 
supported (which is fine).  I could create my own Printable 
object and send 
it to a printer, but I was always under the impression that 
the iSeries 
printing interface only allowed spool files and the like.  
Am I mistaken? 
If I send a Printable object that writes graphics to an 
iSeries printer 
will it print? 

I know the best way to figure this stuff out is to try it, 
but I am under 
the gun here. 

Jim McLean 

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