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Hey Joe Sam

You're right on target. I have a class I call ObjectServer that looks up the OS on creation, creates the DataSource accordingly and returns it via ObjectServer.getDataSource(). The only problem I'm having is the the AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource.getConnection() doesn't appear to return a pooled connnection. I have to do the following to get a pooled connection from the AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource.

AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource dataSource = new AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource("myserver.com");
AS400JDBCPooledConnection pooledConnection = (AS400JDBCPooledConnection) dataSource.getPooledConnection();
Connection connection = pooledConnection.getConnection();

Am I missing something?

Thanks for the help!


Joe Sam Shirah wrote:

   The DataSource interface was envisioned by the JDBC powers to almost
always be used in conjunction with JNDI.  Unfortunately, this implies a
large number of assumptions that aren't always in place with your

First, it's clear that you have a little more going on than just

Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

for your native applications, and we have no clue what that is.

   The mostly generic solution would be for you to create your own
intermediate class that determines how to get a DataSource and implements
the DataSource interface.  In your case, the simplest would be to check the
OS, then get as usual if you're on the AS/400, otherwise create or get an
instance of AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource ( assuming JTOpen ).
Generically better would be to use a property to determine whether JNDI ( or
other accessor ) should be used or if you need to handle it via creation of
a ConnectionPoolDataSource.

   If you create your own ConnectionPoolDataSource, then your intermediate
class returns connections obtained from the ConnectionPoolDataSource,
otherwise from the DataSource obtained through JNDI or other accessor.

   In your applications, you would have a call to your intermediate class
to obtain the DataSource, then proceed as usual:

DataSource ds = new PLADataSource();

or, if static

DataSource ds = PLADataSource.getDataSource();


Connnection connection = ds.getConnection();

Obviously, you can embellish this in any number of ways. HTH,

Joe Sam

Joe Sam Shirah -        http://www.conceptgo.com
conceptGO         -        Consulting/Development/Outsourcing
Java Filter Forum:       http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/
Just the JDBC FAQs: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JDBC
Going International?    http://www.jguru.com/faq/I18N
Que Java400?             http://www.jguru.com/faq/Java400

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick L Archibald" <Patrick.Archibald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <java400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:26 PM
Subject: dataSource.getConnection jt400


I would like to get a connection from a pool using jt400 on the PC like
I get natively on the AS/400.

I've got a DataSource configured so that I get a pooled connection
natively using

Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

Using jt400 it looks like I have to:

AS400JDBCPooledConnection pooledConnection =
Connection connection = pooledConnection.getConnection();

I'm sure I could implement some roll-your-own pooling but I was wonder
if I could use jt400 right out of the box to accomplish this. Any
suggestions on how to get a standard DataSource configured for pooling
with the Toolbox so I can continue to use the following statement

Connnection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

Thanx, PLA

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