Anyone seen this? NT WAS 3.5.6 admin server will not start. I'm trying to use a V4R5 iSeries as the db repository for WAS standard 3.5.6 running on NT 4.0 fp 6. I was running last with jtopen 3.1. I have analyzed the web for info and have tried the following: a) Attempted connection using toolbox jt400 and jtopen 3.1 b) Attempted using a V4R5 and V5R1 c) Set the lob threshold to several values to influence the locator for blob fields ** Note, this fix was suggested by Lisa and Mike d) Traced the jt400 logs as shown below e) Several million other things such as rebooting, block size/criteria, etc.... ************ It appears to me the issue flows from missing records in the WAS repository db: a) Type_Table -> missing records for EJBContainer and EnterpriseBean As a result of the missing records, a ObjectNotFoundException is thrown and the the EJB is not found. I have 2 attachments/includes: 1. My admin.config 2. My cut and paste of the issue ***** 1 ****************************************** admin.config com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.disableEPM=true com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.jarFile=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/repository.jar,e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/tasks.jar com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ibmwebas.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/properties;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/servlet.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/webtlsrn.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/lotusxsl.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/compat.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/xalan.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ns.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ejs.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ujc.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/idb.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/repository.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/admin.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/swingall.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/console.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/was20cm.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/tasks.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/xml4j.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/vaprt.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/sslight.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ibmjndi.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/deployTool.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/databeans.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/classes;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/jdk / lib/tools.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/bsf.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/dertrjrt.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/derdbpw.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ivjejb35.jar;e:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/js.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/js.jar;e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/default_host/shared/jt400.jar com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.process.Nanny.adminServerJvmArgs=-Djavax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass\=com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.Util\ -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.iiop.noLocalCopies\=true\ -Xmx128m\ -Xminf0.15\ -Xmaxf0.25 com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.initializer=com.ibm.ejs.security.Initializer,com.ibm.servlet.engine.ejs.ServletEngineAdminInitializer,com.ibm.servlet.config.InitialSetupInitializer com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.process.Nanny.path=e\:\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\bin;e\:\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\bin;e\:\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\jdk\\bin com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbInitialized=false com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.logFile=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog/wardiego_2a_tranlog1,e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog/wardiego_2a_tranlog2 com.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL=file\:/e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/sas.server.props install.initial.config=true com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.stdEdition=true com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.disableLocationService=true server.root=e\:\\WebSphere\\AppServer com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.seriousEventLogSize=1000 com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.nameServiceJar=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ns.jar com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.connectionPoolSize=5 com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.process.Nanny.errtraceFile=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer\\logs\\adminserver_stderr.log install.initial.config.file=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/initial_setup.config com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.traceFile=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/tracefile com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.process.Nanny.traceFile=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/nanny.trace com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.process.Nanny.maxtries=3 com.ibm.ws.jdk.path=e\:/WebSphere/AppServer/jdk com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbUrl=jdbc:as400://WARD;prompt=false;trace=true;block criteria=0;transaction isolation=serializable;user=web;password=web;errors=full com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbDriver=com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbUser=web com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbPassword=web com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbSchema=WASDATA7. *********************** 2 ***** the trace from admin startup ****************** as400: PreparedStatement STMT0015 (-1528947360) : Executed STMT0015*, SQL Statement --> [update WASDATA7.OBJECT_TABLE set TYPE_ID = ? , VERSION = ? , BINARY_ATTR = ? where INSTANCE_ID = ?]. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0015 (-1528947360) : Update count = 1. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0015 (-1528947360) : Result set = false. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0015 (-1528947360) : Number of result sets = 0. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0015 (-1528947360) : Row count estimate = -1. as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Testing to see if cursors should be held.. as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Transaction commit. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : setInt(). as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : parameter index: 1 value: 1. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : setString(). // ********* I think this warning is ok because it is just a warning about the locking??** as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : parameter index: 2 value: REPOSITORY_LOCK. SQLWarning: reason([SQL0595] Commit level *RR escalated to *EXCL lock. Cause . . . . . : *RR was specified for the commit level, but *RR was not used. The base tables were locked *EXCL to satisfy the request for commitment level of *RR. If a ROLLBACK HOLD statement is requested, the cursor will remain in the same position. *RR was not used for one of the following reasons: -- A GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause, or a column function was specified in the statement. -- A DISTINCT keyword was specified in the statement. -- A UNION keyword was specified in the statement. -- A join was specified in the statement, but not all of the files are journaled to the same journal. -- The repeatable read commit level is implemented by DB2 SQL AS/400 by locking the table. Recovery . . . : Change the statement or the requested commit level. If a lock level of share-no-update (*SHRNUP) was granted, but is not acceptable, specify *CHG or *NONE for the commit level.) SQLstate(01526) vendor code(595) as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Posting warning, id: 4 error class: 1 return code: 595 reason: [SQL0595] Commit level *RR escalated to *EXCL lock. Cause . . . . . : *RR was specified for the commit level, but *RR was not used. The base tables were locked *EXCL to satisfy the request for commitment level of *RR. If a ROLLBACK HOLD statement is requested, the cursor will remain in the same position. *RR was not used for one of the following reasons: -- A GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause, or a column function was specified in the statement. -- A DISTINCT keyword was specified in the statement. -- A UNION keyword was specified in the statement. -- A join was specified in the statement, but not all of the files are journaled to the same journal. -- The repeatable read commit level is implemented by DB2 SQL AS/400 by locking the table. Recovery . . . : Change the statement or the requested commit level. If a lock level of share-no-update (*SHRNUP) was granted, but is not acceptable, specify *CHG or *NONE for the commit level. state: 01526. java.sql.SQLWarning: [SQL0595] Commit level *RR escalated to *EXCL lock. Cause . . . . . : *RR was specified for the commit level, but *RR was not used. The base tables were locked *EXCL to satisfy the request for commitment level of *RR. If a ROLLBACK HOLD statement is requested, the cursor will remain in the same position. *RR was not used for one of the following reasons: -- A GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause, or a column function was specified in the statement. -- A DISTINCT keyword was specified in the statement. -- A UNION keyword was specified in the statement. -- A join was specified in the statement, but not all of the files are journaled to the same journal. -- The repeatable read commit level is implemented by DB2 SQL AS/400 by locking the table. Recovery . . . : Change the statement or the requested commit level. If a lock level of share-no-update (*SHRNUP) was granted, but is not acceptable, specify *CHG or *NONE for the commit level. at com.ibm.as400.access.JDError.getSQLWarning(Unknown Source) at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCStatement.commonExecute(Unknown Source) at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source) at com.ibm.ejs.cm.cache.CachedStatement.executeUpdate(CachedStatement.java:314) at com.ibm.ejs.cm.proxy.PreparedStatementProxy.executeUpdate(PreparedStatementProxy.java:235) at com.ibm.ejs.cm.lock.RowUpdateLock.getLock(RowUpdateLock.java:108) at com.ibm.ejs.cm.lock.Lock.lock(Lock.java:66) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.db.DBMgr.lockRepository(DBMgr.java:775) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.util.db.DBMgr.executePreparedQuery(DBMgr.java:544) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.RelationBean.ejbFindByName(RelationBean.java:820) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.EJSRelationHomeBean.findByName(EJSRelationHomeBean.java:75) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.EJSRemoteRelationHome.findByName(EJSRemoteRelationHome.java:62) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans._RelationHome_BaseStub.findByName(_RelationHome_BaseStub.java:469) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans._RelationHome_Stub.findByName(_RelationHome_Stub.java:310) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.RepositoryObjectImpl.createRelIfNeeded(RepositoryObjectImpl.java:1479) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.DataSourceBean.lookupDataSourceContainerRel(DataSourceBean.java:349) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.DataSourceBean.<init>(DataSourceBean.java:107) at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ejs.container.EJSContainer.loadBeanMetaData(EJSContainer.java:1126) at com.ibm.ejs.container.EJSContainer.getHomeInstance(EJSContainer.java:1057) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveEJBContainer.startBean(ActiveEJBContainer.java:567) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveEnterpriseBean.startAction(ActiveEnterpriseBean.java:55) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.startObject(ActiveObject.java:686) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.start(ActiveObject.java:117) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.operateOnContainedObjects(ActiveObject.java:588) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveEJBContainer.startAction(ActiveEJBContainer.java:383) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.startObject(ActiveObject.java:686) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.start(ActiveObject.java:117) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.operateOnContainedObjects(ActiveObject.java:588) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveEJBServer.startAction(ActiveEJBServer.java:99) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.startObject(ActiveObject.java:686) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.active.ActiveObject.start(ActiveObject.java:117) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.agent.AdminAgentImpl.activeObjectInvocation(AdminAgentImpl.java:93) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.agent.AdminAgentImpl.invokeActiveObject(AdminAgentImpl.java:62) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.server.AdminServer.startContainers(AdminServer.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.server.AdminServer.initializeRuntime(AdminServer.java:1284) at com.ibm.ejs.sm.server.AdminServer.main(AdminServer.java:379) as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : Executed STMT0004*, SQL Statement --> [update WASDATA7.LOCK_TABLE set VAL = ? where NAME = ?]. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : Update count = 1. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : Result set = false. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : Number of result sets = 0. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0004 (-481026719) : Row count estimate = -1. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : setString(). as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : parameter index: 1 value: dataSourceEJBContainerRel. as400: Cursor CRSR0020 (-316170911) open. as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) open. Parent: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) . as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) : Conncurrency = "1007". as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) : Fetch direction = "1000". as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) : Fetch size = "0". as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) : Max rows = "0". as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) : Type = "1003". as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : Executed STMT0020*, SQL Statement --> [select * from WASDATA7.REL_DEFN_TABLE where NAME = ?]. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : Update count = -1. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : Result set = true. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : Number of result sets = 0. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0020 (-320397983) : Row count estimate = 0. as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Fetching a block of data from the server. as400: Cursor CRSR0020 (-316170911) : Closing with reuse flag = 241. as400: Cursor CRSR0020 (-316170911) closed. as400: ResultSet CRSR0020 (79568227) closed. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : setString(). as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : parameter index: 1 value: com.ibm.ejs.sm.beans.EJBContainer. as400: Cursor CRSR0013 (1702862177) open. as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) open. Parent: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) . as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) : Conncurrency = "1007". as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) : Fetch direction = "1000". as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) : Fetch size = "0". as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) : Max rows = "0". as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) : Type = "1003". as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : Executed STMT0013*, SQL Statement --> [select * from WASDATA7.TYPE_TABLE where INTERFACE_CLASS = ?]. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : Update count = -1. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : Result set = true. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : Number of result sets = 0. as400: PreparedStatement STMT0013 (1698635105) : Row count estimate = 0. as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Fetching a block of data from the server. as400: Cursor CRSR0013 (1702862177) : Closing with reuse flag = 241. as400: Cursor CRSR0013 (1702862177) closed. as400: ResultSet CRSR0013 (201661795) closed. as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Testing to see if cursors should be held.. as400: Connection S105DYXM (-698966659) : Transaction rollback. // ********* I think this the issue! ** [02.06.20 21:46:50:671 PDT] 808e9d78 ActiveEnterpr W Failed to start the bean "DataSourceHome" com.ibm.websphere.csi.CSIException: failed to get home instance; nested exception is: com.ibm.ejs.container.ContainerException: loading bean meta data failed; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException com.ibm.ejs.container.ContainerException: loading bean meta data failed; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException ----- Begin backtrace for detail Paul Holm Java and WebSphere Senior Consultant PlanetJ Corporation pholm@planetjavainc.com Work: (760)-432-0600 Fax: (760)-432-0600 Web site: www.planetjavainc.com
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