× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: Java and CPU
  • From: "Stone, Brad V (TC)" <bvstone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 14:34:49 -0600

This I found interesting.

We have an AS/400 that is a web server only.  We're running CGI to do
customer service online for multiple customer/catalogs.  Right now it's
about 30 sites (all using the same 3 or 4 programs, webfacing controled by
config files, SSIs, etc..).  

Some CPU stats for the normal HTTP Server: (jobs entered system 2/14/2001)
Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  
CSO            BCH     2   25    1516.4   
CSO            BCI     2   25        .1   
CSO            BCI     2   25        .3   
CSO            BCI     2   25      69.0   
CSO            BCI     2   25      26.1   
CSO            BCI     2   25     727.4   

Now, I have also have websphere running.  I've been trying to duplicate this
CGI system using servlets and and making progress (no wonder I'm asking so
many questions!).  

Anyhow Here's the CPU stats for the default WAS server that is processing
the servlets: (entered system 2/19/2001)

Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  
DEFAULT_SE     BCI     2   25+   2847.7      
QEJBADMIN      BCI     2   25+   6203.9      
QEJBMNTR       ASJ     2   25        .1     

The HTTP server has received about 7000 hits since it started on 2/14/2001.
This server serves up those 30 sites and is available 24/7.  

The WAS server hasn't even broken a couple hundred hits since it's only me
testing when I have time (started on 2/19/2001).  It's not available to the
interent and I am the only developer on the box. 

The Java version of the application isn't querying customer service data
yet, I'm simply building the web pages.  The CGI programs run dynamic SQLs
to select and display data depending on customer signon information.

The numbers compared to just the default WAS server may be close, but
remember, it's doing about 1/100th of the work right now.

Any thoughts, ideas, or otherwise?  I'm really wondering why so much more
CPU is used.  If I were to take my app and java-ize it, it looks like it
would bury the current machine we are using.  

Last question, does WAS start more instances when it needs to them to handle
more requests like the HTTP server does?  What about the new Apache server,
does it start more jobs to handle more requests?


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