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Luther wrote:

>I would appreciate it if this list would
>stick to subject... [trying to nip it in the bud ;-].

Luther (and all):

While I know I haven't been real interactive with the forum lately (I was a
LITTLE bit busy writing a few lines of Java code <grin>), I am back now.
If you have a gripe with someone's behavior on the list, especially one
that regards netiquette, please forward the offending post and your concern
to me.  I promise to address the situation as quickly as possible.

Why do I say this?  Because I want to avoid any level of personal animosity
on the list.  Let me take responsibliity for the content, that's my job as
moderator.  Be forewarned, I would much rather err on the side of too much
posting than too little, and then privately email someone if they've gone a
bit off topic.  If, however, the issue begins to snowball, I'll then step
in to end it publicly.

Now, since the issue has already been brought to light in the public forum,
I'll address it here as well.  While I enjoy a bit of light banter as much
as the next person, I have to agree with Luther that we need to stay on
topic.   Not that there's an overwhelming amount of traffic on this forum,
but I have a feeling it's going to heat up considerably this year.  With
Y2K out of the way, more companies have more money for more development,
and Java/400 is simply the hottest thing in the midrange platform.  And so,
let's try to keep to the specific issues of Java/400 and its
implementation.  While I agree it's no coincidence that Elvis and the 400
have the same birthday, I think this is pretty much off-topic for our
little forum.

On the other hand, in keeping with my personal opinion that we're not our
brothers' keepers here on the list, I would ask that all subscribers
refrain from publicly addressing their concerns (and thus generating even
MORE traffic on the issue), unless of course that concern is with me as
moderator, at which point you're certainly free to blast away with both
barrels.  That's what I'm here for <grin>.  You can also send your concerns
to David Gibbs, and have me deposed if he sees fit <smile>.

Okay, on to the new millenium folks.  This will be my last public post on
netiquette unless I see something REALLY egregious.  Until then, let's get
ready to roll, because the year 2000 promises to be a watershed year for
the AS/400, for Java, and for their partnership.

Joe Pluta
Moderator and Mad Scientist

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