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I installed both of these on my pc last Friday and so far it's not been a
pleasant experience.

On the client side, I get Activity Monitor errors that (from what I can
tell) are related to the installer thinking I have/had Sametime
configured. We don't have a sametime server and never configured any 8.0.1
clients to install any ST components. I also notice that when I open my
calendar, I don't see anything until I click on a week or day view, and
then go to my month view. I had a similar problem when I first tried to
open my mail file last Friday. Didn't see anything in my inbox until after
I had closed and opened several views.

I also found that the NSD is now a service on the pc, and I had two
instances of it running, one of which was consuming almost 50% of the cpu
(according to the task monitor). This I stumbled onto while looking at the
8.5 Forum for solutions to some of the above items. I had to disable both
via the windows services applet.

Based on that there is no way I could install 8.5.1 clients on user pc's.

On the admin side I see they removed the space used column in the Files
panel. From the Domino 8.5 forum it appears to be related to DAOS use.
I've also had the admin client crash on me twice today.

I'm tempted to reinstall 8.0.1, but I'm concerned about making an
unpleasant situation worse. I hope 8.5.2 is better.


Regards, Jerry

Gerald Kern - IT Project Leader
Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator
IBM Certified RPG IV Developer
The Toledo Clinic, Inc.
4235 Secor Road
Toledo, OH 43623-4299
Phone 419-479-5535

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