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Boss says to 'save time' create the new domino partition on the DMZ server
with the existing Domino 6.5.1IF1.  Rhetorical Question:  Like, how long
does it really take to do the LODRUN to install a new version of
Domino?  Real deadline pressure.  Then this technician walks up and says,
as a solution to help land this major customer, it probably won't work
anyway.  Seems that our side wants to use this to display a movie of our
parts and control the stopping/starting of the movie during the
presentation.  As a hack they purchased the MS version of Sametime and
wouldn't allow this.  Hey, the products are going head-to-head!

Real question:  Any problems running Domino 6.5.1IF1 and Sametime
6.5.1?  Any real reason that I just MUST upgrade to 6.5.2 instead?

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

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