× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Jim,
There is an easy way to do what you want to do.
The Tree view is single-selection by design and drives what is displayed in
the other panes.
Just select the Record and go to the Detail pane (which is the default one
on the upper right).  You can then select all of the field and delete.
Shift clicking with the mouse will work.  Or you prefer not to take your
hands off of the keyboard, you can tab over to the details pane and then
hold down the shift key as you down arrow down the list and then hit
Ctrl-Del.  Actually you can just hit Ctrl-A for select all followed by
Ctrl-Del for the ultimate in efficiency.

The lack of selection on right click might have been a feature if you would
get the right context menu for the item being right-clicked.  As it stands
it looks like a bug.
There seems to be a loss of focus when you hit Ctrl-Del on an item in the
Tree view.  I noticed that if you hit Tab after Ctrl-Del you can hit
Ctrl-Del again with the proper effect.

Our goal is to produce an integrated graphic designer in Eclipse.  But this
is a large effort by a small team so do not expect it in the near future.
But there is active work going on as we speak.  (Standard disclaimer
inserted here that IBM will not be held liable if a loose-lipped employee
set expectations that are not fulfilled).

Edmund Reinhardt,  AS/400 AD Tools,   reinhard@xxxxxxxxxx
Dept 607,   IBM Canada Lab  TL 969-4392  Phone 905-413-4392

|         |           Jim Essinger       |
|         |           <esinger@xxxxxxxx> |
|         |           Sent by:           |
|         |           code400-l-bounces@x|
|         |           idrange.com        |
|         |                              |
|         |                              |
|         |           07/08/2003 05:03 PM|
|         |           Please respond to  |
|         |           CODE/400 Discussion|
|         |           & Support          |
|         |                              |
  |       To:       CODE/400 Discussion & Support <code400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>      
  |       cc:                                                                   
  |       Subject:  Any fixes in Designer?                                      


Currently I am working with a physical file.  I start with an existing
source, and alter it to suite the new file.  I need to delete a lot of the
existing fields, and then add the new fields I need.

The tree view listing of fields on the left side of the window does not act

the way a normal tree view acts in windows.  When I right click on a field
that is NOT already selected, the field should be selected, and then give
me the pop up box of actions I can take with that entry.  What I get is a
"verify file" box, and the field that was selected somewhere else in the
list is still selected.  I should not have to double click - once left to
select, and then right to get the dialog box.

Ok, so now I want to delete a range of field entries from the tree view. I
left click on the first field in the list that I want to delete, and it is
selected.  I then try to hold down the shift key to select a range of
fields to delete, and click on the last field I want to delete.  The most
recently clicked entry is selected, and no other entry in the list.  I
can't delete a range of field entries??  (Sigh!!)

I like to keep my hands on the keyboard, and think that it might be faster
to delete these fields using the "ctl + delete" shortcut.  I click on the
first field to be deleted and then press the magic key sequence.  That
field disappears from the list!  OK!   The next field I want to delete is
now selected and I press the magic key sequence again.  ---  Nothing
happens? ---  I found out that if you click on the entry with the left
mouse button, the magic delete key sequence will work.  If you don't, the
delete will not happen.  (Sigh again!)

It looks like there is no fast way (without going in to Code edit or SEU
first and deleting a bunch of lines) to delete a bunch of fields from the
designer without double clicking on each one, and then choosing delete.

All of this to ask, is the designer dead??  Are there no bug fixes, no
development?  Do we have to wait for the WDSC version to make an
appearance?  Has the WDSC graphical designer for 5250 screens, printer
files, and physical files made it's debut?  Will it ever be there? is it
being fazed out for webfacing?   What is the plan?

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!


Jim Essinger
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Student Loan Fund of Idaho

6905 Highway 95
Fruitland  ID  83619


PO Box 730
Fruitland, ID 83619

208-452-4058 Extension 133


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