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I am just starting to use CODE/400 (after all the rave reviews :-), and
yesterday I ran into a couple of problem that the "help" didn't seem to be
much help with. First, I was attempting to "indent" my source code, but
nothing seemed to happen. After a while, I figured out that I seemed to
have two different views open -- one that said "indented" and one that
didn't, but neither one was indented. They were both full-screen. I had
tried the indent feature before on the same file, and it seemed to work
fine, although the indented view showed up at the bottom of the regular
view's screen.

Anyway, this time I tried various things, including selecting "indent"
over and over again, and when nothing seemed to work I gave up and tried
to exit the file. At this point, I got an error message: "Cannot exit the
edit session - a dialog is currently open in the editor". I couldn't close
either view -- regular or indented -- and I couldn't figure out what
"dialog" the program thought I was having. I finally ended up simply
killing the session, and back on the AS/400 I had to kill a couple of jobs
that had locked the source member, but after I did that everything
appeared to be fine.

So I have two questions: 

1) Is there some trick to using Indent? If it doesn't seem to work, are
there things I can check to figure out why?

2) Is there a better way to recover from the "cannot exit" message? Is
there a way to find out what the program thinks is going on and tell it to

Thanks very much!

Mike Naughton
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Judd Wire, Inc.
124 Turnpike Road
Turners Falls, MA  01376
413-863-4357 x444

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