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I've been taking a look at why the verifier performs so poorly when not
using a cache, and I've found that it uses the remote command server
(QZRCSRVS) jobs extensively. These jobs run in QUSRWRK, and are set to end
after a single use, which leads to dozens of jobs being started and ended
with each run of the verifier.

I'm tempted to increase the number of uses allowed for each QZRCSRVS job,
but am afraid of bad things happening if I do. Has anyone tried this?

I know some will be tempted to tell me to just use the cache, but please
save the keystrokes. I find the cache to be of almost no use to me, since my
source members make extensive use of /copy members, which results in a
frequent need to refresh the cache. And refreshing the cache takes longer
than a verify done without it, so it's still quicker for me (overall) not to
use it.

I'm also hoping that the IBM team will chime in and and tell me that they've
improved the verifier in the upcoming release so that it makes more
intelligent use of the server resources. Please..please tell me it's so.

John Taylor

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