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My response is also imbedded. . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Essinger [mailto:esinger@fmtc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:23 AM
To: code400-l@midrange.com
Subject: RE: I'm finally a code newby ;-)

See imbedded responses.

At 09:57 AM 11/26/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>was the worst install that I have ever done with any PC software.  Took me
>about a day and a half.  They should make it so it automatically goes out
>the web to get the latest SP's.

>I have not had this kind of problem with the install, but it does take a
>while.  you do need to have the latest Service packs.  What version of Code
>are you running?

When I installed I didn't know you had to load the latest service packs, so
I spent the first day just trying to get a connection to my 400 only to find
out that the install cd's aren't up to date.  I have never loaded any
software where I needed to install service packs immediately after install.
That is when I signed up for this list;-)

>...  I quit compiling using CODE
>because it doesn't remember your compile options on a per program basis, so
>I instead go back to green screen and use our CMS, Aldon, to compile.

>My version of Code remembers what profile I used.  If you do a
>actions>compile>prompt you get a window with all the commands to compile
>programs.  You can create your own lables for the create commands that have
>specific option settings.  I use "CRTCLPGM TEST" to compile with debug
>settings on, and "CRTCLPGM PRODUCTION" to create the program for
>production.  The program remembers what was last used, and will use that
>setting again if you just compile.

My problem is that my company distributes different software packages and
for each package I need different binding directories and other things.  I
would like to see CODE remember what I had for compile options the last time
that I tried to compile the program.  It would be way to time consuming and
not very intuitive to create a command for each of my programs.  It would be
like creating a user-defined option in PDM for each program that you want to
compile. . .

Aaron Bartell

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