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Here would be my experience with Code400:  Don't push it.  Just pretend its
PDM in color.  Don't rush.  Don't worry about the new toys till you see how
it does the toys you already know.

HELP is sensitive to where you are.  Put the cursor on a Calc line. Press F4
to get the line laid out (just like in PDM).  Tab over to the OPCODE. press
the HELP button and be prepared to be amazed.

Try different kinds of errors, do a verify, do a compile, see how it shows
you the errors.  Choose View ---> Indent and see your code indented.   Put
your cursor on or inside an if-endif pair and press Ctrl-m and see the group
be selected.

Booth Martin   http://www.MartinVT.com

-------Original Message-------

From: code400-l@midrange.com
Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:41:23 AM
To: code400-l@midrange.com
Subject: I'm finally a code newby ;-)

Ok, finally, this old SEU dog is going to take the plunge - I'm going to
force myself to at least give CODE a chance.

I plan to do a lot of work from home over the long holiday weekend, and I
want to teach myself code - not a lot of time, I know, but I plan on
burying myself in it.

I installed it yesterday (btw, far and away the LONGEST pc install i've
EVER experienced) and started it. There's SO much stuff there. I feel
very lost with new terminologies, new ways of looking at things, etc. At
first glance, the help that comes with it seems rather general and broad,
so I guess I'm looking for a jump start.

Can anyone suggest a CODE specific tutorial that does a decent job of
explaining general concepts? I'm not interested at this time in using any
of the java tools, websphere tools etc. I just want to be able to write
and edit native source files, compile, test, debug, etc.

I hear talk about different editing 'modes' such as LPEX, SEU, etc. What
do you recommend I immerse myself in to start? should I get used to code
using SEU mode, or skip it entirely and dive into a more PC style of

what about add-ins, macros, etc. is there a public repository of these
types of things that I might find useful?

What features or tricks do use on a daily basis, that you couldn't live
without, that may not be obvious to a newby.

any other gotchas or additional advice you can give me will be greatly



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