× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>I think most of us in the iSeries environment have
>*no interest at all* in a standardized, cross-platform
>development toolset.

I agree that I personally do not care whether or not the tools I use are the
same as the tools used by Unix folks.

>The iSeries is unique and our tools need to give
>us the ability to take advantage of the power and

We have just hired a Java programmer.  She is accustomed to JBuilder and
Oracle.  You should see the confusion here as the two of us try to work out
how to deploy stuff on the iSeries.  I cannot use her tools because
a) they're not loaded on my PC (never needed
   them and they don't come from IBM)
b) they all look strange and I fear the
   learning curve

She cannot use my tools because
a) SEU is so completely foreign that she
   breaks out into giggles when she sees me use it;
   CODE doesn't handle 'testing' - it's not an IDE
b) the debugger doesn't easily work cross-platform
   (i.e. Java application calling iSeries stored procedure)

She struggles in our world and I struggle in hers and not much gets done.

If the day comes that true cross platform tools really come to pass I will
be that much closer to Utopia.  So while I personally don't care for Yet
Another Toolset, some good may come out of it.

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