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I had some of the exact same questions as Buck and two different ones.
1. Would there be an STRCODE session for the new Eclipse IDE?  If not,
would there be GUI CL prompting, host commands, etc?
2. Would the PDM to CODE/400 interface program EVFCFDBK, TurnOver to
CODE/400, etc go to CODE/400 or the new Eclipse Editor?
Maybe there would be two different PDM to CODE/400 interface programs
depending on which one you want.  Since it appears that CODE/400 would be a
plug-in to Eclipse, I assume we could switch between the two, at least at
first.  These questions are more focused on ensuring the interfaces to
other applications are being addressed (i.e. to PDM, host commands,
TurnOver, etc).  I think the interfaces are a very important issue for
people to use the new product.  I have heard that the new Eclipse interface
might even open programs faster since it is Java.  I know some people who
hate to wait for large programs to open (even with a 1Ghz Pentium).  Yeah,
I know, I use PDM instead of Project Organizer, but I find PDM to be
quicker.  Maybe there is a PDM in Eclipse that is quicker and cleaner than
Project Organizer.  TurnOver does the organizing if I am working on a
My opinion is that CODE/400 will stay for awhile as the stable GUI Editor
and Designer it is, and people will give feedback and questions about the
new Eclipse package when it is released as stable.  I think the interface
to the Eclipse IDE becomes an important issue in order for people to be
able to access their source quickly on a daily basis.

Craig Strong

**Buck wrote:

Hak Lui said:

>I was referring to macros used by
>CODE editor packaged in the new IDE.
>However, the imbedded editor (JLPEX)
>in the new IDE will not support
>macros. The JLPEX will not support REXX
>yet and therefore, CODE macros will
>have to be rewritten for the JLPEX editor.

I know that you can't reveal what hasn't been announced yet, and you may
even be on that project (Eclipse based IDE).  If you had to guess, would
new macro language be Java?  Of course I could be confused, but it sounds
like there will be TWO editors?  CODE and JLPEX?  Why would I bother with
JLPEX when I like CODE so much?

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