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>I hope others will post the customizations that they find useful.

>Jim Essinger

Jim, et al:

My sentiments exactly! I wish there was a "Tips & Techniques" FAQ or website
that WDT/400 users could post to. Does one exist that I haven't found?

I'm still new to the CODE editor but I have become effective enough with it
now that I only use SEU for quick minor changes. In the spirit of sharing
and at the risk of showing my ignorance of a better way, here are a few more
customizations that I have made that allow me to be more productive using
the editor.

1) Being able to work with the source in two different windows at once is
great but I find it cumbersome to use the menus to split the view because
sometimes I want a horizontal split and sometimes I want a vertical split so
I've added the following two shortcut keys to my profile.lx file to tie the
actions to the <Ctrl+W> and <Ctrl+Shift+W> keys.

 'set action.c-s-w MULT ;LP_VERTICAL ;LP_VIEWSPLIT'

2) I tried to figure this one out for a while and thanks to Eric Simpson, I
now know about the Zoom.lx macro.  To the best of my knowledge it is
undocumented but if you have EXTRAS ON it is linked to the <Ctrl+Shift+I>
key (Press F24 to see the current key bindings). Zoom.lx will filter the
source based on a selected text string or on the current word the cursor is
positioned on; a terrific feature. Being an old Flex/Edit user I have moved
this to the <Ctrl+K> key where I'm used to it being located.

'set action.c-k MACRO ZOOM'

3) Similar in function to the Zoom.lx there is the ZoomSR.lx macro that
filters "BEGSR" thus collapsing the source to show only the subroutines. It
is similar to what you get by using the menu options VIEW|SHOW|SUBROUTINES.
I have tied this macro to the <Ctrl+S> key (I always use <Alt+F,S> or <Alt
+F,A> to save the file) which makes it easy to remember and more importantly
places it right next to the <Ctrl+A> key which makes very easy to toggle
between collapsed and expanded view.

'set action.c-s MACRO ZOOMSR'

4)Most of the source I work on uses /COPY extensively so I have added the
<Ctrl+Q> and <Ctrl+Shift+Q> shortcut keys for the menu options VIEW|/COPY
and EDIT|/Copy. I moved the SET QUICK MARK previously assigned to the
<Ctrl+Q> key to <Alt+Shift+Q> so that now <Alt+Shift+Q> sets the quick mark
and <Alt+Q> locates the quick mark.

 'set action.c-q MACRO RPGINC'
 'set action.c-s-q MACRO RPGINC EDIT'
 'set action.a-s-q LP_SETQUICK'

5)One of my most used customizations is the addition of a modified version
of David Morris' ClipLine.lx macro to the <Ctrl+C>, <Ctrl+X>, and <Ctrl+V>
keys. The purpose of this macro is to allow for cut, copy, and paste for the
line the cursor is currently located on without first having to select/mark
the line. If you have already selected/marked text or lines it will cut/copy
the selected text or lines as normal. For me, this is a real convenience.

As Violaine Batthish has posted "marking text is not quite the same thing as
selecting text". David's version of the ClipLine.lx macro used the selecting
text method and while it worked I found I actually used the mark text method
of selecting line(s) for cut/copy/paste. The two inconsistencies I found
were that the past function would insert the line(s) before the current line
instead of after the line like the mark text method does and for some reason
if when you marked the line(s) to cut/copy the macro would include one extra
line past the selected line(s). I copied and modified David's ClipLine.lx
macro to use the mark text method instead of the select text method and now
the inconsistencies are gone.

 'set action.c-c MACRO CLIPLINE COPY'
 'set action.c-v MACRO CLIPLINE PASTE'
 'set action.c-x MACRO CLIPLINE CUT'

If anyone wants a copy of the modified version of the ClipLine.lx macro,
send me an email and I will send it to you.

OK, enough for me, now its your turn.

Best regards,


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